
Email Lists

Stay up to date with these East Kingdom email lists:

East Kingdom Announcements
A low-traffic list for official announcements from the Kingdom
To subscribe, send a blank email to

General Mailing and Discussion List
A discussion forum community serving the East Kingdom.
To subscribe, send a blank email to

Official Facebook Discussion Group

If you use Facebook, you can join the East Kingdom Discussion Group to participate in conversations with others from around the kingdom.

Official East Kingdom Discord

An online chat with channels for pretty much every activity you can imagine in the Society. Click here to join.

Pikestaff – East Kingdom Newsletter

SCA Members can view the Pikestaff newsletter online. Note that you must log in to your member account to view the newsletter.

Accessibility Porter

Courtesy and Chivalry are the hallmarks of the Society for Creative Anachronism. The goal of the office of the Accessibility Porter is to help and educate SCAdians in working around Accessibility and disability issues.

EK Graphics Library

These images are available for you to use in newsletters, illustrations, websites, and other official Kingdom applications.

SCA Ombudsman

Members of the Board of Directors are assigned duties as Ombudsmen for Society Officers, Board Committees and Kingdoms. They represent those individuals and groups to the Board and promote communication and coordination between the Board and the functional personnel of the Society.

Society and Corporate Officers

You can find the name and email addresses of the Society Seneschal, the Corporate Secretary/Registrar, and other SCA officers.