Full Kingdom Officer Listing
East Kingdom Officer Term Limits
Sovereign - Matthew des Arden (sovereign@eastkingdom.org)
- Sovereign's Archery Champion - Ander Tynegate
- Sovereign's Arts & Sciences Champion - Viscount Nathan Hartman
- Sovereign's Bard - Reinhart Basarab Draculesti
- Sovereign's Equestrian Champion - Alanna of Skye
- Sovereign's Rapier Champion - Antonio Patrasso
- Sovereign's Champion of Arms - Count Ryouko'jin Of The Iron Skies
- Sovereign's Thrown Weapon Champion - Safiya al-Naghira
Consort - Fiamuin Kareman (consort@eastkingdom.org)
- Consort's Archery Champion - Ivar Valsson
- Consort's Arts & Sciences Champion - Mistress Charis Accipiter
- Consort's Bard - Astrapia Gorgopa
- Consort's Equestrian Champion - Musaronnk
- Consort's Rapier Champion - Yehuda ben Moshe
- Consort's Champion of Arms - Guillaume Du Chantier
- Consort's Thrown Weapon Champion - Alanna of Skye
Heir to the Sovereign
Heir to the Sovereign - Ryoukojin of the Iron Skies (heir-sovereign@eastkingdom.org)
Heir to the Consort
Heir to the Consort - Indrakshi Aravinda (heir-consort@eastkingdom.org)
Seneschal - Baron Thomas of Effingham, OD (seneschal@eastkingdom.org)
- Branch Policies Deputy - Master Lawrence Thornguard (branch-policies@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy-Seneschal - Magistra Audrye Beneyt, OP (deputy-seneschal@eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Seneschal - Lord Julien MacBain (seneschal.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy Seneschal - Lord Andreiko Eferiev, OSC (seneschal.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Seneschal - Syr Brennan mac Fearghus (seneschal.south@eastkingdom.org)
- New Groups Deputy - Maistir Mael Eoin mac Echuid (newgroups@eastkingdom.org)
- Branch Polling Deputy - THL Mairi Crawford (branchpolls@eastkingdom.org)
- Event Clerk - Doyenne Pagan Graeme (eventclerk@eastkingdom.org)
- Clerk of Laws - Mistress Eadgyth aet Staeningum (lawclerk@eastkingdom.org)
- Media Liaison - Mistress Aneleda Falconbridge (media@eastkingdom.org)
- Postal Code Legatus - Maestro David Vázquez de Valençia (legatus@eastkingdom.org)
- Waiver Secretary - Octavia Verita (waivers@eastkingdom.org)
- Social Media Officer - Lady Ástríðr Eiríksdóttir (socialmedia@eastkingdom.org)
- Archivist - VACANT (archivist@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Seneschal - Baroness Leana Doucet, OSC (seneschal@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
Brigantia Principal Herald (Chief Heraldic Officer)
Brigantia Principal Herald (Chief Heraldic Officer) - Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir (brigantia@eastkingdom.org)
- Dextrochere Herald (Brigantia Drop Dead Deputy) - Mistress Kirsa Oyutai (dextrochere@eastkingdom.org)
- Blue Talbot Herald (Northern Regional Deputy) - Lady Cassandra Hobbs (blue.talbot@eastkingdom.org)
- Golden Rapier Herald (Central Regional Deputy) - Master Donovan Shinnock (golden.rapier@eastkingdom.org)
- Terpsichore Herald (Southern Regional Deputy) - THL Gwalchmai ap Talan (terpsichore@eastkingdom.org)
- Golden Lyre Herald (South Western Regional Deputy) - Baronness Mari Clock van Hoome (herald.southwest@eastkingdom.org)
- Morning Star Herald (Reporting Deputy) - Lord Conall an Doire (morningstar@eastkingdom.org)
- Blue Tyger Herald (Submissions Deputy) - Lady Drasma Dragomira (blue.tyger@eastkingdom.org)
- Pantheon Herald (External Submissions Deputy) - THL Anéžka Liška z Kolína (pantheon@eastkingdom.org)
- Diademe Herald (Assistant Internal Submissions Deputy) - Mistress Ysabel da Costa (diademe@eastkingdom.org)
- Jongleur Herald (Tourney Heraldry Deputy) - Lady Rosina von Schaffhausen (jongleur@eastkingdom.org)
- Troubadour Herald (Tourney Deputy) - Baroness Marian Kirkpatrick, (troubadour@eastkingdom.org)
- Eastern Crown Herald (Royal Court Deputy) - Baroness Liadan Ingen Chineada (court@eastkingdom.org)
- Shepherd's Crook Herald (Clerk of Precedence) - Baroness Grainne inghean ui Bhrolachain (shepherds.crook@eastkingdom.org)
- Pallet Herald (Heraldic Art Deputy) - Leofrun Wilde (pallet@eastkingdom.org)
- Elmet Herald (Heraldic Education) - Mistress Alys Mackyntoich (elmet@eastkingdom.org)
- Sign Herald (ASL Translation) - Lady Lydia Webbe (interim) (sign.herald@eastkingdom.org)
- Silver Crescent Herald (Ask a Herald) - Baron Agapios Cargos (silver.crescent@eastkingdom.org)
- Chamfron Herald (Equestrian Vocal Herald) - Mistress Brita Mairi Svensdottir (2033750@members.eastkingdom.org)
- Mural Herald (Society Level Notification Deputy) - Mistress Kay Leigh Mac Whyte (mural@eastkingdom.org)
- Mosaic Herald (Kingdom Level Notification Deputy) - Lady Eva Vach Wyllt (mosaic@eastkingdom.org)
- Badger Herald (Tir Mara Regional Deputy) - Mistress Kirsa Oyutai (badger@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Blue Alaunt (Tir Mara Regional Submissions Deputy) - Lord Conn mac Branain (blue.alaunt@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Herault Hibou Blanc (French Liaison) - Mistress Perronnelle de Croy (hibou.blanc@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Clerk of the Polling Lists - Duchess Katherine Stanhope (polling@eastkingdom.org)
- Standard Herald (Website Deputy) - THL Maerwynn in danska (standard@eastkingdom.org)
Earl Marshal
Earl Marshal - Sir Reinhart Basarab Draculesti (earl-marshal@eastkingdom.org)
- Earl Marshal Emeritus - Duke Sir Vissevald Selkirksson
- Scout Commander - Lord Tobyn Kembold (scout@eastkingdom.org)
- Mistress of Hounds - VACANT (hounds@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Earl Marshal for Rules Clarification - THL Benjamin Black (rules-clarification.deputy@marshal.eastkingdom.org)
- Marshal of Fence - Don Griffith Davion (kmof@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Marshal of Fence - Baron Collin Monro (deputy-kmof@eastkingdom.org)
- Experimental Deputy of Fence - Don Eldritch Gaiman (kmof.experimental@eastkingdom.org)
- West Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy of Fence - Don Olan Blackhand (rapier.west@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- East Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy of Fence - Baron Guthfrith Yrlingson (rapier.east@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy of Fence - Don Mat Wyck (kmof.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy of Fence - Shieldbiter Kara Njalsdottir (kmof.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy of Fence - Master Morwill MacShane (kmof.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Youth Rapier Marshal - Baroness Wentliana Bengrek (kmof.youth@eastkingdom.org)
- Youth Rapier Marshal Deputy - Master Christoffel d’Allaines le Comte (deputy-kmof.youth@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Fence Webminister - Maister Brendan Firebow (web_kmof@eastkingdom.org)
- Captain-General of the Archers - Baron Ryan Mac Whyte (archer@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Captain-General of the Archers - Acting - Lord Kusunoki Yoshimoto (archer.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Archery Commander East - Lord Tynan Mór as Ar N-Eilean-ne (archery.east@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Archery Commander West - Acting - Lord Tynan Mór as Ar N-Eilean-ne (archery.west@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Archery Commander - Lord Magnus Surtsson (archer.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Archery Commander - Lord Casimir Sarkastyczny (archer.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Archery Commander - Master Aaron the Arrowsmith (archer.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Archery Scorekeeper - Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood (scorekeeper@eastkingdom.org)
- Combat Archery Marshal - Hrafn Breidskegger (combat-archery@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Combat Archery Lieutenant - Lord Aethelwulf Stealcere (combat-archery@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Combat Archery Lieutenant - Bess Brechin (combat-archery.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Combat Archery Lieutenant - Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva (combat-archery.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Combat Archery Lieutenant - al-Sayyid Jibril ibn Ammar al-Fayyad (combat-archery.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Marshal of Thrown Weapons - THL Matteo Genovese (thrownweapons@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy Marshal of Thrown Weapons - Ranulf of IDD (thrownweapons@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Regional Deputy Marshal of Thrown Weapons - Arpadfin Vidor (thrownweapons.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Regional Deputy Marshal of Thrown Weapons - Lady Deirdre Grenewode (thrownweapons.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Marshal of Thrown Weapons - NJ, NY - Lord Ronan FitzRobert (thrownweapons.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Marshal of Thrown Weapons -DE, PA - THL Mikael Melrakki (thrownweapons.south2@eastkingdom.org)
- Thrown Weapons Scorekeeper - THL Mikael Melrakki (thrownweapons_scorekeeper@eastkingdom.org)
- Siege Marshal - Lord Richard le Hauke (siege@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Siege Marshal - Lord Æthelwulf Stealcere (deputy-siege@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy Siege Marshal - Lord Æthelwulf Stealcere (siege@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Siege Marshal - VACANT (siege.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy Siege Marshal - Lord Harald Orn (siege.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Siege Marshal - Baroness Drueta de la Rosa (siege.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Marshal of Armored Combat - Sir Trentus Nubianus (armored-combat@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat - Sir Ketilfastr Thorkilson (deputy.armored-combat@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara West Crown Principality Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat - Sir Reinhart Basarab Draculesti (armored-combat-west@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat - Sir Matthew D'Arden (armored-combat.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat - Master Tiernan MacAlpine (armored-combat.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat - Viscount Syr Culann mac Cianain (armored-combat.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat for Experimental Weapons - Master Aciterix Caldius Julius Cittinius (experimental-weapons@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara East Crown Principality Deputy Marshal of Armored Combat - Thorin Ulfsson (armored-combat-east@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Marshal of Armored Steel Combat - Brian of Stonemarche (steelcombat@eastkingdom.org)
- Youth Earl Marshal - Margrave Hillarius Clock Werk (youthcombat@eastkingdom.org)
- First Deputy of Youth Combat - Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin (deputy-youthcombat@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy of Youth Combat - Iuliana Angelina (youthcombat@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy of Youth Combat - Thomas de Marr (youthcombat.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy of Youth Combat - Carrick MacSeáin (youthcombat.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy of Youth Combat - Janette Colquhoun (youthcombat.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Marshal of Equestrian Activities - Viscountess Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragon’s Keep (equestrian@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy Marshal of Equestrian Activities - Baroness Leana Doucet (equestrian@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Marshal of Equestrian Activities - Baroness Lillian Stanhope (equestrian.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy Marshal of Equestrian Activities - Mistress Cathain Reiter (equestrian.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Marshal of Equestrian Activities - Duchess Kiena Stewart (equestrian.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Equestrian Webminister - Master Duncan Kerr (web_equestrian@eastkingdom.org)
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chancellor of the Exchequer - Baroness Arlyanna van Wyk (exchequer@eastkingdom.org)
- Emergency Deputy Chancellor of the Exchequer - Ysane la fileresse (exchequer.emergency.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- Chancellor of the Exchequer Deputy - Ysane la fileresse (exchequer.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Region Deputy Exchequer - Lady Tyffayne de Trumpington (exchequer@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northeast Region (CT, MA, RI) Deputy Exchequer - Richard Hayworth (exchequer.northeast@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region (NY excl. NYC & LI) Deputy Exchequer - Alanna of Skye (exchequer.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region (NJ, NYC, LI) Deputy Exchequer - NJ, NY - Brick James Beech (exchequer.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Western Region (DE, PA) Deputy Exchequer - DE, PA - THL Dagrún Stjörnufróða (exchequer.west@eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region (ME, NH, VT) Deputy Exchequer - Lady Seraphina della Torre (exchequer.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Exchequer Training Deputy 1 - VACANT (exchequer.training1@eastkingdom.org)
- Exchequer Training Deputy 2 - VACANT (exchequer.training2@eastkingdom.org)
- Exchequer Training Deputy 3 - VACANT (exchequer.training3@eastkingdom.org)
- Chancellor of the Exchequer for NMR - Lady Ruth Baraskaya (exchequer.nms@eastkingdom.org)
- Exchequer Administrative Deputy (Warrants-Book Reviews) - Alanna of Skye (exchequer.admin@eastkingdom.org)
- Pennsic Steward - Samuel Peter Bump (pennsic.steward@eastkingdom.org)
- PayPal Deputy - PayPal team email (paypal@eastkingdom.org)
- Kingdom Chamberlain - Vitalia la Soliel (chamberlain@eastkingdom.org)
Chronicler - Lord Antony Martin Sheffield (chronicler@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Chronicler - Lady Mór Cille Caindigh (deputy-chronicler@eastkingdom.org)
- Pikestaff Newsletter Editor - Lord Antony Martin of Sheffield (editor@eastkingdom.org)
- Kingdom Historian - THL Bryan Mac Dhunghaill (historian@eastkingdom.org)
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Minister of Arts and Sciences - Mistress Amalie von Hohensee (moas@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences - Raziya bint Rusa (moas.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences - Mistress Cellach Dhonn inghean Mhic an Mhadaidh (moas@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences - Lady Guðrún Sveinsdóttir (moas.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Regional Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences - Mistress Arabella De Mere (moas.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Regional Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences - Baroness Elizabeth Talbot, OL (moas.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy of Minister for Education - Mistress Mariette de Bretagne (moas.education@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Minister for Displays - Lady Scolastica Capellaria (moas.display@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Minister for Rubric - Baronessa Fiore Leonetta Bardi (moas.rubric@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Minister of Arts & Sciences Webminister - Mistress Vika Grigina z Prahy (web_moas@eastkingdom.org)
Minister of the Lists
Minister of the Lists - Mistress Ellesbeth Donofrey (mol@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Minister of the Lists - Ellesbeth Donofrey (deputy-mol@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy Minister of the Lists - Edward Sea Ulfr (mol@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Minister of the Lists - Vacant (mol.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy Minister of the Lists - Anne DeBasillion (mol.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Minister of the Lists - Lu An-Hua (mol.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Minister of the Lists Webminister - Baron Faolán an Sccreccain (web_mol@eastkingdom.org)
- Youth Combat Minister of the Lists - Vacant (mol.youth@eastkingdom.org)
Tyger Clerk of the Signet
Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Maîtresse Camille des Jardins (signet@eastkingdom.org)
- Emergency Deputy Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Maîtresse Collette d'Avignon (signet_emergency@eastkingdom.org)
- Eastern Crown Principality of Tir Mara Deputy Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Mistress Shadiyah al-Zahra (tmscribe.east@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Western Crown Principality of Tir Mara Deputy Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Mistress Shadiyah al-Zahra (scribe.tirmara@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Lady Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno (scribe.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Mistress Tola Knitýr (scribe.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Tyger Clerk of the Signet - Lady Mýrún Leifsdóttir (scribe.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Backlogs Deputy - Lady Deirdre Grenewood (backlog.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- New Scribes Deputy - Maîtresse Collette d'Avignon (newscribe.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- Schola Deputy - Lady Fiona the Volatile (signet.schola@eastkingdom.org)
- Royal Awards Scheduler - Maegwynn filia Brun (awards.scheduler@signet.eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Royal Awards Scheduler - Lord Gavin Kent (deputy.scheduler@eastkingdom.org)
- Special Projects Deputy - Mistress Eva Woderose (signet.projects@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy for Special Artisans - Master Steffan of Silverforge (signet.artisans@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy for Wordsmiths - Master Gundormr Dengir (signet.wordsmiths@eastkingdom.org)
Chatelaine - Fortune Sancte Keyne (chatelaine@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Chatelaine - Lady Sigrida Arnsdottir (deputy-chatelaine@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Regional Deputy Chatelaine - Baroness Sile Dhubh inghean Mhic an Mhadaidh (chatelaine@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy Chatelain - Lord Leo MacCullan (chatelaine.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy Chatelaine - Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa (chatelaine.south@eastkingdom.org)
- Young Adult Liaison - VACANT (chatelaine.yal@eastkingdom.org)
Chancellor Minor
Chancellor Minor - Lady Cecily Graham de Inveresk (chancellor-minor@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Chancellor Minor - Wynflaed aet Hamtunscire (deputy-chancellor-minor@eastkingdom.org)
- Emergency Deputy Chancellor Minor - Mistress Hugoline the Delicate (chancellor-minorem@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Chancellor Minor for Children with Special Needs - Mistress Kis Maria (chancellor-minor.special@eastkingdom.org)
- Infants and Toddlers Deputy of the Chancellor Minor - [vacant] (chancellor-minor.iandt@eastkingdom.org)
- Childhood Deputy of the Chancellor Minor - [vacant] (chancellor-minor.childhood@eastkingdom.org)
- Adolescence Deputy of the Chancellor Minor - [vacant] (chancellor-minor.adolescence@eastkingdom.org)
- Youth Clerk - Lady Amee le Morte (youthclerk@eastkingdom.org)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging - Lady Caoilfhionn inghean Lochlainn (equity@eastkingdom.org)
- Accessibility Porter - Olalla Tristana (porter@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Accessibility Porter - Alayne Alexandra Nyvern Nightwatcher, OP (porter.deputy@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy - Sile Dhubh inghean Mhic an Mhadaigh (accessibility@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- Northern Region Deputy - Olalla Tristana (porter.north@eastkingdom.org)
- Central Region Deputy - Albreda Aylese (porter.central@eastkingdom.org)
- Southern Region Deputy - Baroness Jacqueline Helene Loisel (porter.south@eastkingdom.org)
Webminister - Magister Symon of Barnesdale (webminister@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Kingdom Webminister - Mistress Vika Grigina z Prahy (deputy-webminister@eastkingdom.org)
- At Large Webminister for the Tir Mara Region - Lady Maerwynn in Danska (tirmara-region@webminister.eastkingdom.org)
- At Large Webminister for the Southern Region - Lady Nabiya Bak (southern-region@webminister.eastkingdom.org)
- At Large Webminister for Kingdom Offices and Guilds - Lord Edward Talbot (officeguild-region@webminister.eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Webminister for Services - Master Joel Messerer (web-services@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Webminister for Development - Maestro David Vázquez de Valençia (web-development@eastkingdom.org)
- Calendar Deputy - Joel Messerer (calendar@eastkingdom.org)
- East Kingdom Wiki Administrator - Lady Cordeilla Sharpe (wiki@eastkingdom.org)
- Deputy Webminister - Royal Liaison - Lady Tessa Maria da Siena (web-liaison@eastkingdom.org)
- Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy - Doña Esperanza de Cordoba (webminister@tirmara.eastkingdom.org)
- French Language Translator Deputy - Sophie Larocque (web_translate@eastkingdom.org)
- Online Polling Deputy - Duchess Avelina Keyes (web_pollingadmin@eastkingdom.org)
- Order of Precedence Webminister - Daoud al-Bodmani (web_op@eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Chivalry Administrator - Sir Wilhelm von Ostenbrücke (chivalry-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Laurel Administrator - Duchess Katherine Stanhope (laurel-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Pelican Administrator - Master Ichabod the Tall (pelican-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Rose Administrator - Jarlskona Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir (rose-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Silver Crescent Administrator - Master Ichabod the Tall (sc-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Maunche Administrator - Duchess Katherine Stanhope (maunche-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Tygers Combatant Administrator - Sir Wilhelm von Ostenbrücke (otc-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Sagittarius Administrator - Master Kieran Bren of Bannockburn (sagittarius-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Golden Rapier Administrator - Mistress Mercedes Vera de Calafia (ogr-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Masters of Defense Administrator - Master Donovan Shinnock (defense-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Golden Lance Administrator - Master Duncan Kerr (ogl-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Order of the Golden Mantle Administrator - Master Samuel Peter DeBump (ogm-discuss-owner@lists.eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Captain-General of the Archers Webminister - Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood (web_archery@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Elmet Herald Webminister - Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin (elmet_webminister@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Chancellor Minor Webminister - Saravit of House Three Skulls (web_cm@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Chatelaine Webminister - Lady Nancy Alyn (web_chatelaine@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Armored Combat Webminister - Count Sir Wilhelm von Ostenbruke (web_armored@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Chronicler Webminister - Lady Isabel de Roys (web_chronicler@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Earl Marshal Webminister - THL Perronnelle de Croy (web_earlmarshal@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Chancellor of the Exchequer Webminister - Sisuile Butler (web_exchequer@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Seneschal Webminister - Lord Edward Talbot, OSC (web_seneschal@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Webminister - Baroness Marieta Charay (web_signet@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Blue Tyger Herald Webminister - Lady Muirenn ingen Dúnadaig (web_bth@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Historian Webminister - Master Michel Wolffauer (web_historian@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Chamberlain Webminister - Lord Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch "Clockwork" (web_chamberlain@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Accessibility Porter Webminister - Sisuile Butler (web_porter@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Combat Archery Webminister - Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva (web_combat-archery@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Equestrian Activities Webminister - Master Duncan Kerr (web_equestrian@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Siege Weapons Webminister - Lord Hrelgar (web_siege@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Thrown Weapons Webminister - Lady Margot de la Mer (web_thrownweapons@eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Marshal of Youth Combat Webminister - Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin (webminister@youthfighters.eastkingdom.org)
- Office of the Scout Commander Webminister - Vacant (web_scout@eastkingdom.org)
- The Keepers of Athena's Thimble Embroiderers' Guild Webminister - Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood (webminister@thimble.eastkingdom.org)
Warlord - Ryouko'jin Of-The Iron-Skies (warlord@eastkingdom.org)
Sovereign & Consort
Sovereign & Consort - Their Royal Majesties (trm@eastkingdom.org)
- The Royal Event Coordinator - Hesychia of Ravensbridge (HouseKnottySnake@gmail.com)
- The Royal Chief of Staff - Ellesbeth Donofrey (mf-cos@eastkingdom.org)
- The Royal Deputy Chief of Staff - Sylvia du Vey (119968@members.eastkingdom.org)
- The Royal Webminister - Nicol mac Donnachaidh (webminister@trm.eastkingdom.org)
Heirs to the Sovereign and Consort
Heirs to the Sovereign and Consort - Their Royal Highnesses (trh@eastkingdom.org)
- The Royal Heirs' Event Coordinator - Isabel del Okes (227255@members.eastkingdom.org)
- The Royal Heirs' Chief of Staff - Mariette de Bretagne (ri-cos@eastkingdom.org)
- The Royal Heirs' Webminister - Antonius Gracchus (webminister@trh.eastkingdom.org)