Coronation of Ryouko'jin Of-The Iron-Skies II and Indrakshi Aani Aravinda II

Hosted by Crown Province of Østgarðr - Staten Island, NY
Event date: April 5th, 2025
Event Last Modified: February 11th, 2025
Event details
Located on the beautiful South Meadow of the Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden, We have 7.5 acres of outdoor space for court, tournaments, classes and more!
There is also limited indoor space for A&S displays and other activities. An auxiliary building is located next to the meadow with accessible entries and bathrooms.
Most of the activities will be outdoors, we recommend attendees take appropriate precautions. There is plenty of space to set up pop-ups and lots of opportunity for beautiful heraldic and personal displays to showcase yourselves, your households, and your favorite parts of the SCA.
We will provide pavilions for shade and protection from elements for court, located on the South Meadow stage near the auxiliary building. There will be a limited number of chairs; we strongly encourage all attending to bring their own seating.
Site Info and Rules:
There is NO STAKING down of tents allowed on most of the site with an exception of small area that is already reserved for special use.
We encourage and welcome the populace to bring popups for personal shade, but please make alternate arrangements to stakes, as the site can be windy.
The site does not permit outside alcohol on the premises, and a licensed vendor will be available for the purchase of libations. Attendants found with alcohol not from the licensed vendor will be asked to leave their drinks off site or be removed from the event.
Parking for the event is free but limited. The site has 4 public parking lots with about 200 spaces total. We encourage attendants to plan extra time for parking and traffic. There is additional free street parking outside the Snug Harbor Cultural Center which is within a few minutes walk to the event.
While the Snug Harbor Park does allow dogs on it's premises, only service animals are allowed at the event areas of the park.
The site is accessible as per the EK Accessibility Porter Checklist, with the exception of there being no refrigeration available at the site. Also please note that the site while accessible is spacious and the field is all grass does not have paved pathways
This announcement will continue to update as more information comes in, please keep an eye on this page. If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to volunteer, please contact the event coordinators: see Event Autocrat info for contact details
Site Opens: 9:00am
Site Closes: 6:00pm
Event Location
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
1000 Richmond Terrace
Staten Island, NY 10301
Google Map
The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.
Registration Fees
Adult member (w/ proof of membership) $30
Adults nonmember $40
Youth (12-17) $10
Children (under 12) Free
PayPal link:
Please post this link to your event page with the following information:
A PayPal invoice will be generated within 24 to 48 hours of the online pre-registration survey being submitted. Online pre-registration is not complete until the PayPal invoice has been paid.
3/21/2025 is the final date for PayPal pre-registration.
This survey does ask for membership information, but you will still need to provide proof of membership at the event.
There will be a pre-paid reservation only Dayboard - $10
There will be no day of Dayboard sales.
Tentative menu:
Option 1 - Omnivore:
Two onigiri
Tsukemono (pickles)
Small fruit
Ajitsuke tamago (hard boiled eggs soaked in a sweet soy) + Chicken karaage (deep fried chicken chunks)
Soba noodles with green onions and dashi sauce in a small cup to pour over when eating
Option 2 - Vegan/GF (using GF shoyu):
Two onigiri
Tsukemono (pickles)
Small fruit
Braised tofu + edamame
Soba noodles with green onions and konbu dashi sauce in a small cup to pour over when eating
Dayboard will be prepared by Lady Lani of Ostgardr. If you have questions regarding dayboard please email
Make Checks Payable to: SCA NY INC. - OSTGARDR
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Yevgeniya Pechenaya
Lada Monguligin, OL
9175445212 (no calls after 10pm please)
Deputy Stewart
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
Send Reservations to:
Francisco Duares
20 Cromwell Drive
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603