Wars of the Roses XLV

Hosted by Barony of Concordia of the Snows - Schaghticoke, NY

Event date: May 23rd, 2025 - May 26th, 2025

Event Last Modified: December 27th, 2024

Event details

While we as a Society tend to concentrate on the past, the time has come to look to the future and move forward with plans for the Wars of the Roses 2025.  We hope to honor our new Baron and Baroness, John fitz Thomas and Janna von Guggisberg, with a glorious weekend of activities for gentles of all ages, interests, and abilities.  We intend to prepare a schedule that will allow everyone to attend/participate in as great a variety of activities as they wish.  We hope to involve as many people as possible in both planning and conducting this event, to keep each one's burden as manageable as they can handle.  Much more information, especially regarding specific activities and further contact information, will be included here as it becomes available.  For now, please contact the Event Steward with any questions, comments, or concerns, or if you wish to volunteer to help with the event.  We look forward to spending time with many friends, old and new, at the Wars of the Roses!

This year, we will be instituting some changes that should help to reinvigorate the experiences of both customers and merchants.  We also will work to broaden the A&S offerings, in both subject matter and style of presentation.  Scheduling of all activities will be reviewed with an eye to minimizing conflicts and enabling everyone to participate to the greatest possible extent.  We encourage past or potential attendees to submit suggestions or comments to the event steward or to the appropriate activity contact.

Site Opens: Noon on Friday
Site Closes: Noon on Monday

Event Location

Schaghticoke Fair Grounds
69 Stillwater Bridge Rd.
Schaghticoke, NY  12154
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.


From the South
Take Thruway, Exit 23 to 787 to Troy-Bennington Exit to Hoosick Street Bridge, second red light to Route 40 to Fairgrounds.

From the West
Take Thruway, Exit 24, I90, 787 to Troy-Bennington Exit to Hoosick Street Bridge, second red light to Route 40 to Fairgrounds.

From the East
Take Route 67. 

From the North
Route 87, Exit 12, 67E.  Schoharie - I-88, Exit 24, I90, 787, Exit Troy-Bennington, Route 40 to Fair.

From Pittsfield - Take Route 66 to Troy.

Registration Fees

Member Weekend:  $50.
Member Day:  $35.
Nonmember Weekend:  $60.
Nonmember Day:  $45.
Under 18:  No charge.

We have space for campers and camping trailers with both gray water/electric hookups or just electric.  There is an additional $75.00 fee for each hook-up, which we pass along to the site.

PayPal link and reservation deadlines will be forthcoming.

No feast.

Make Checks Payable to: SCA NY, Inc.  -- Barony of Concordia of the Snows

Contact Information

Event Steward:

THL Richard de Troyes (Richard Nicholson)
478 Morris Street
Albany NY 12208
(518) 898-8503

Send Reservations to:


Other Contact Information:

Email addresses for the contacts for various aspects of the event will be added here as staff is confirmed.

Martial activities coordinator:  Roy de Basillon 243875@members.eastkingdom.org

Merchant coordinator:  Jaquelinne de Sauvageon mildred.a.savidge@gmail.com
---Deputy:  Elena the Blue 245249@members.eastkingdom.org

Roses University/A&S activities coordinator:  Irene von Lassan 138195@members.eastkingdom.org