East Kingdom 12th Night

TRM will be in attendance

Hosted by Shire of Anglespur - East Greenbush, NY

Event date: January 18th, 2025

Event Last Modified: January 16th, 2025

Event details

Coming over the river? Through the woods? Wherever you're coming from, their Majesties, Highnesses and the Shire of Anglespur invite you to 12th Night!

Come in your fanciest attire and your dancing shoes:  there will be a masquerade ball led by Dutchess Thyra Eiriksdottir with live music organized by Mistress Deonna von Aachen.  (Don't have a mask? You'll have a chance to make one at the event.)

Bring your appetites:  a multi-course rolling dayboard by Eydis Hrafnsdottir will feature dishes of the Orient, inspired by the legend of the Three Kings.

Bring your singing voices (or at least your enthusiasm):  there's rumors of a caroling challenge...

Bring your family:  there will be children's activities and possibly some special gifts from a secret Someone...

Watch this space and the event website for more details as they are finalized

UPDATE - 12/7/2024

We have confirmed that the site, Holy Spirit School, has an absolute NO WEAPONS policy.  No swords, no bows, no knives except for kitchen and eating knives, nor any other weapon may be brought onto the premises.  Please leave them at home.

Update - 01/08/2025

We've updated the accessibility survey and are now (finally) posting it here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CIxuSjGBdqLz9suF2M2QDPRA4ngM2GNn/view?usp=sharing

Update - 01/16/2025

The dayboard menu has been posted to the event website!  A downloadable copy of the event book should be up shortly.


10am:  Troll Opens
10:30 Family Crafts and Games Tables
11:00 Face painting with Ceinwen (at
the Crafts table)
11:30 - 1 pm Dance Instruction with
Duchess Thyra
12:00 - 3:00 Sideboard (Shofar will
announce courses)
1:30 - 3:30 Masquerade Ball
2:00 Santa’s Visit
3:00 Silent Auction Closes
4:00 Royal Court
6:00 Event Closes

Site Opens: 10:00 AM
Site Closes: 6:00 PM

Event Location

Holy Spirit School
54 Highland Drive
East Greenbush, NY  12061
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.

Registration Fees

Preregistraion is closed (deadline was January 14th).  We still have plenty of room for at-the-door guests.  We're looking forward to seeing you!

Dayboard is included with the event fee.  There is no separate feast.

Adults:  $35 ($25 with Member Discount)
Children (age 6-17):  $10
Children under 6:  Free

Adults:  $40 ($30 with Member Discount)
Children (age 6-17):  $15
Children under 6:  Free

Make Checks Payable to: SCA Inc.- NY Shire of Anglespur

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Mistress Siobhan inghen Chon Mhara
Kathleen Munn

Amalberga de Scriver
Email:  300102@members.eastkingdom.org

Send Reservations to:

Lady Ceinwen Bleddyn
Melissa Carter
148 Millers Corners Rd.
Averill Park, NY 12018

Other Contact Information:

For food related issues please contact:
Lady Eydis