The Pennsic War 51

Hosted by Kingdom of Æthelmarc - Slippery Rock, PA
Event date: July 26th, 2024 - August 11th, 2024
Event Last Modified: March 20th, 2024
Event details
Troll Hours Reduced
Please double-check your arrival times because troll opens at 8am and troll closes at 10pm on most days. Troll is no longer open Thursday at midnight for the price drop to one week. Troll closes on the last Wednesday 8/7. Check the Troll page for details.
Troll will be OPEN during the following hours:
Fri 7/26 12pm - 12am (midnight), 9am - 12pm Land Agents ONLY
Sat 7/27 12am - 10pm
Sun 7/28 8am - 10pm
Mon 7/29 8am - 10pm
Tue 7/30 8am - 10pm
Wed 7/31 8am - 10pm
Thu 8/1 8am - 10pm
Fri 8/2 8am - 10pm
Sat 8/3 8am - 10pm
Sun 8/4 8am - 10pm
Mon 8/5 8am - 10pm
Tue 8/6 8am - 10pm
Wed 8/7 8am - 10pm
Troll closes Wed 8/7 at 10pm.
Troll Hours Reduced
Please double-check your arrival times because troll opens at 8am and troll closes at 10pm on most days. Troll is no longer open Thursday at midnight for the price drop to one week. Troll closes on the last Wednesday 8/7. Check the Troll page for details.
Troll will be OPEN during the following hours:
Fri 7/26 12pm - 12am (midnight), 9am - 12pm Land Agents ONLY
Sat 7/27 12am - 10pm
Sun 7/28 8am - 10pm
Mon 7/29 8am - 10pm
Tue 7/30 8am - 10pm
Wed 7/31 8am - 10pm
Thu 8/1 8am - 10pm
Fri 8/2 8am - 10pm
Sat 8/3 8am - 10pm
Sun 8/4 8am - 10pm
Mon 8/5 8am - 10pm
Tue 8/6 8am - 10pm
Wed 8/7 8am - 10pm
Troll closes Wed 8/7 at 10pm.
Site Opens: Fri 7/26 12pm - 12am (midnight), 9am - 12pm Land Agents ONLY
Site Closes: Sun 8/11 12 pm
Event Website
Event Location
Cooper's Lake Campground
205 Currie Road
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Google Map
Registration Fees
Make Checks Payable to:
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Send Reservations to: