Opening of the Inne

Hosted by Shire of Coldwood - PERU, NY
Event date: June 21st, 2024 - June 23rd, 2024
Event Last Modified: May 5th, 2024
Event details
****PLEASE NOTE: The site owners, Steven and Linda Murphy retain the right to refuse entrance to the site for any persons, for any reason.
The site: The estate of Baron and Baroness Stephen and Ellen is an approximately 10 acre of wooded, rural ,primitive land with portable toilets, running cold water, a long-house/feast hall and several small private buildings. A smithy shop and a Arts/Fiber Arts building are in the planning stages and may be open by the event. There is a decidedly Viking/Early period feel to the site, but all periods and portrayals are welcome. Unlike the fall Danelaw event, there are no restrictions on clothing, fighting kits or camp presentations this time around. We ask that attendees place modern, non-canvas tents away from the perimeters of the main site and the area know as the Western Meadow, to help retain the ancient atmosphere. Leashed , well behaved pets are welcome. No pets in the Inne please. Children are welcome in the Inne until 10 pm, with supervision. Please limit ground fires to the several established fire pits found on the site. Tiki torches are welcome. Please remove vehicles to the external parking areas as soon as unloaded, to make room for others.
A timeline of some of the events for the weekend include: Site opening at 2pm on Friday, Hospitality and open camps by several of the Coldwood Land-Holders throughout the evening and the opening of the Inne till the wee hours on Friday night. Saturday the Martial activities start rolling out about 10 am (see details below), Classes and merchanting through out the day and service of the Feast at approximately 6 pm. A bonfire at dusk. The Barun and Baruness Stephen and Ellen will hold the yearly meeting with the Land-Holders , along with any and all interested guests in the Inne. As this is currently listed as a Royal Progress event, further information will be forthcoming as to a possibility and time of any Court proceedings. Sunday is unstructured ,with guests departing by 4 pm, the sites official closing time.
The martial activities will take on some elements of the fall Danelaw event. In an effort to display the talents and leadership abilities of our non-Peerage fighters , a Atlantean Speed tourney, open only to non-peerage fighters, will start off the day ,to select the top 3 to fill the roles of War Band leaders...two opposing teams and a third team of Mercenaries. Teams will be decides by lining up all remaining fighter and counting off 1,2,3 . 1's and 2's are the competing bands, 3's are the Mercs. The three war band leaders figure out the details! No armor styles or weapons restrictions, no complicated hit point formulars. The scenarios will consist of a 30-45 min bridge battle with two resurrection points, 5 min rolling res's being called out by a person at each point. Ransom captures and a death from behind convention are encouraged . Next a similar woods scenario and then lastly, a non-res field engagement of 5 passes. No tape marking on helms... war-cries encouraged! The other martial disciplines are encouraged to formulate a similar structure to allow us to total the points to determine a winning team. Boasting, Wergild, ransom and all manner of heroics will be greatly appreciated! The War Band leaders will be celebrated at the Feast!
Site Opens: 2 pm Friday, June 21
Site Closes: 4 pm Sunday, June 23
Event Location
Estate of Steven and Linda Murphy....Coldwood
123 Mitchell Rd.
PERU, NY 12972
Google Map
123 Mitchell Rd, Peru, NY,12972
Registration Fees
This Event is by DONATION. No stated registration fees or deadline are being provided.
PayPal Donation Link:
Feast: Limited to first 125 guests. Deadline for pre-paid reservations is Monday, June 17th. Remaining seats will be sold at the door, if any. Adults, Pre-reg, $20,at the door $25. Children 17-6, $7 pre-reg, $10 at the door. Children 5 and under free. A family cap for the feast will be $ $54 pre reg, $70 at the door ( this is 2 adults and 2 children, regardless of the number of children.)
PayPal Feast link:
Make Checks Payable to: SCA Shire of Coldwood ,New York, Inc.
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Brianna Murphy , AKA Lady Franquetite ,123 Mitchell Rd. Peru, NY 12972, tel 518-335-7227
Send Reservations to:
Brianna Murphy ,123 Mitchell Rd, Peru, New York, 12972
Other Contact Information:
Merchants welcome! No fees. Cell reception is spotty at the site, so plan accordingly for payments. Ask at Troll where you can set up!