Concordian Investiture at Bjorn's Ceilidh!

TRM will be in attendance

Hosted by Barony of Concordia of the Snows - Scotia, NY

Event date: November 9th, 2024

Event Last Modified: November 4th, 2024

Event details

As the sun shortens its visits, as the night reaches its arms, let us gather together to warm ourselves by the fire.  To lighten our loads with stories of friends, enemies, family, and loved ones.  Cheer their memories and one another!  Commemorate those whom are with us and those whom have passed before!

Baronin Maria von Ossenheim and Baron Faolan an Sccreccain have lead our Barony through plague and scourge!  Celebrate them with us as they take their leave into fields of gold and welcome their successors Baron John fitz Thomas and Baroness Janna von Guggisberg!

The day will include a day board, the traditional games, courts, feasting, dancing, and more!

Tentative Schedule!
9:00 Site opens
10:00 Last Court of Baron Faolán an Sccreccain & Baronin Maria Erika von Ossenheim
~10:30-11:00 Court of Their Royal Majesties Matthew des Arden and Fiamuin Kareman / Investiture of Lord John fitz Thomas and Lady Janna von Guggisberg as Baron & Baroness of Concordia of the Snows after end of court Their Excellencies will sit in state
12:00-2:00 Dayboard
1:00 Activities begin - Games in the Main Feast Hall
1:30 Bardic Competition - Court Hall
4:00 Continuation of Royal Court / First Court of Their Excellencies John fitz Thomas and Janna von Guggisberg
6:00 Feast is served
10:00 Site closes

Update from our Head Chef!

The Full Menu and Ingredient list for Feast is now here!

Dayboard Menu!

Presented by Amalberga de Scriver and Deidre O'Roarke.  If you have questions about dayboard, please email Amalberga de Scriver (

Cold Roast "Boar" With Apple and Onion Gescharb Sauce (pork shoulder marinated in wine, onion, garlic and spices) (Pork)
Crustless Spinach Tartlets (Egg, Dairy - a nondairy version with rice milk is planned)
Roasted Carrots and Parsnips in herb vinegar
Glazed Mushroom Skewers with Bacon (Egg, pork; will have vegetarian version with onion)
Gingered Pickled Pears
Bread and cheese board, including: 
Assorted cubed cheeses
Assorted fresh and dried fruit
hard-boiled eggs
crunchy roast chickpeas
Bread (GF option will be availible)
Butter and Honey Butter
Gingerbread (Gluten, GF option will be available)
Fine cakes (gluten, egg, dairy, GF option may be available)

We now have a hotel block at the closest hotel to the event site.  A 3 minute drive or 10 minute walk at the
Comfort Inn & Suites Schenectady - Scotia
168 Sacandaga Road
Schenectady, NY 12302

The rooms are held for both Friday and Saturday nights, if the block fills up, they will expand it for us.
Follow this link completely for the reservations.

Site Opens: 9:00
Site Closes: 10:00

Event Location

Scotia United Methodist Church
201 North Ten Broeck Street
Scotia, NY  12302
Google Map


From Interstate 90, take exit 25 (Schenectady, I-890).  Proceed west on I-890 to exit 4C- Route 5 Scotia.  Stay in the left lane and turn left at the traffic light.  Cross over the bridge, staying in the left lane, and continue to the third traffic light.  Turn right onto North Ten Broeck Ave.  The church is two blocks ahead on the left.

Registration Fees

Event Fees
Adult (18 or older):  $30
Minor (6-17):  $10
Child (under 6):  Free

All adult SCA members receive a $10 discount

Feast Reservations to be received by November 1, 2024.
Feast $15

If reserving rooms in the hotel block, the rates and block are open until October 31.  After that time the rooms will be released to general reservations.

Make Checks Payable to: SCA New York Inc., Barony of Concordia of the Snows

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Baron Rhys Aiden Bifjord
mka Stephen Long

Send Reservations to:

Send check or money order (or deliver in person to):

Richard Nicolson
(Richard de Troyes)
478 Morris St
Albany, NY 12208

Paypal Link is active!
We have reached our limit for online spots for Feast!

Other Contact Information:

From Concordia's Bardic Champion!

Greetings all!

With Pennsic behind us, Bjorn's Ceildih is going to be here before we know it.  At that time, my successor as bardic champion will be chosen.  For anyone who wishes to take up that mantle, here are the guidelines for the competition:

-In any journey we take, it's important to remember how we started out.  So, I want this year's competitors to remind me of my origins as a bard:  fairy tales, folktales, and comedic pieces.

Your Forgiveness!  I have been remiss in updating the page with the following!

Yes!  The Annual Ceilidh Silent Auction is going forward!  This year the proceeds will go to the Royal Travel Fund!  Any donations will be taken in advance or at the door!  Please reach out to the Event Steward in reguards to items being donated.
-The competition will be in two rounds.  Competitors will have 15 minutes to divide between their two performances, any way they see fit.  Using less time is acceptable.  Using more time, less so.

-Your second round piece should be a different style than your first.  For example, a song for round one and a story for round two.  Any form of bardic performance is welcome, as long as you have two different styles to present.

Please reach out if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing everyone at Bjorn's Ceildih!

In service,
Lorita deSiena
Bardic Champion, Barony of Concordia
Marshal at large and Financial Committee, Shire of Anglespur
"Wearer of Many Fyne Hats"