Coronation of Tindal II and G. Emerson True

TRM will be in attendance TRH will be in attendance

Hosted by Barony of Concordia of the Snows - Schenectady, NY

Event date: April 6th, 2024

Event Last Modified: April 2nd, 2024

Event details

The time draws near for the Barony of Concordia of the Snows to welcome all to the Coronation of Tindal II and G.  Emerson True!

The site is the First Methodist Church of Schenectady, which was to have been the site of the Coronation of Tindal I and Alberic, had the Plague not forced us all to make other plans.

The schedule for the day will be as follows:

9:00 -- Site opens.
10:00 -- Last Court of TRM Matthias & Aesa Feilinn
12:00 -- Dayboard is served (until 2:30)
12:15 -- Coronation
1:00 -- TRM Tindal II & G.  Emerson True sitting in state.
3:00 -- Curia.
4:30 -- First Court of TRM Tindal II & G.  Emerson True.
6:30 -- Feast is served.
9:00 -- Site closes.

Please note site restrictions.  On the entire site (interior and exterior), there shall be no:
• Weapons or fighting.
• Alcohol.
• Smoking.
• Live flames.
We have an exemption to the weapons ban for the Sword of State and a couple of ceremonial wooden halberds; beyond that, the only blades permitted will be cutlery.  The fighting ban includes children with boffers.
The entire site is absolutely dry.
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the church grounds.
Candles, etc., may add to the ambience, but any flames must be battery-powered.

A dayboard presented by the Cooks Guild of Concordia is included with the site fee.  The evening feast will be prepared by noted East Kingdom culinary masters.
Dayboard dietary restrictions:  Please contact Lady Judith le Alefondere at
Feast dietary restrictions:  Please contact Chef Jaji at

Feast Menu:

Feast of foods of Londinium and of London to be served in a manner dictated by the kitchen

English and Italian cheeses
Bread and seasoned oil

Roast of beef, served with two sauces:  ofella of Londinium and green garlic sauce of London

Red cabbage and chestnuts, served with a sweet and sour onion sauce

Roast loin of pork served with pasta cooked in wine (Porcellus Tractomelinus)

Chick peas and young beans with olive oil and cumin

Spiced pear custard (Patina de Piris)

Frumenty of buckwheat and oats (Puls)

Chicken roasted with dill and honey (Pullus Anethatus)

Roasted asparagus with olive oil, lemon, and cheese

Accommodations:  MARCH 15 is the deadline for reserving a room in the block at the nearby (visible from the site) Hampton Inn Schenectady Downtown.  Here is the booking link:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT

Site Opens: 9 am
Site Closes: 9 pm

Event Location

First United Methodist Church of Schenectady
603 State Street
Schenectady, NY  12305
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.


Google Map,+Schenectady,+NY+12305

Parking is available on or near the site.  The entrance is on the Chapel Street side of the site.  There will be reserved parking in the lot adjacent to the church for those with mobility issues, the Royals, deliveries, and dropoff/pickup.  Note that Chapel Street is one-way westerly (downhill from Nott Terrace).

Registration Fees

Adult nonmember pre-reg:  $25.
Adult member pre-reg:  $15.
Adult nonmember at the door:  $30.
Adult member at the door:  $20.
<18:  No fee for event.


Cash or check ONLY will be accepted at the door.

Refund requests will be honored if made before the day of the event.

**Feast seating is limited to 90.  Registration for feast has reached capacity.  Please email Baroness Ruth to get on the waiting list.**

Adult feast pre-reg:  $20.
Adult feast at the door (if available):  $25.
<18 feast pre-reg:  $18.
<18 feast at the door (if available):  $23.

There are many places to eat in Downtown Schenectady, which is just down the hill to the west of the event site.  Here is a link to restaurant information from the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation:

Make Checks Payable to: SCA NY, Inc.  -- Barony of Concordia of the Snows

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Richard de Troyes
mka Richard Nicholson
478 Morris St.
Albany NY 12208
(518) 898-8503

Deputy stewards:
Joel Messerer (Joel Lord
Olivia Baker (G.  Kathryn Crandall

Send Reservations to:

Baroness Ruth Baraskaya
mka Ruth Burkowsky
119 Pinehurst Ave.
Albany NY 12203