Tournament of the Daffodils VII

Hosted by Shire of Midland Vale - Huguenot, NY
Event date: April 27th, 2024
Event Last Modified: April 15th, 2024
Event details
Thrown, Archery, Youth, A&S, Rattan, and Fencing share the field and the day as those in attendance will have the honor and privilege to select their own champion of each style.
Arts and Sciences from Martina Maria de la Rosa:
Calling all artists! Spring is in bloom and we want to see how the change of season inspires you! Consider what natural materials Spring may offer you or what sights come about in these warmer months, allow them to stir your creative minds and make something to display at our day of Daffodils. This year we encourage color, warmth and nature in your submissions. Come show and tell us all about your beautiful pieces of art!
Limit up to 3 pieces per person, only 1 required to enter.
12:00pm: Please set up your display at the designated table(s), follow the signage.
2:30pm: Voting. This will be a populace competition, please stay with your items at this time.
Dayboard provided by Grainne inghean Ui Neill will be available for all to enjoy. More details to come about menu items.
Pop-ups and tents are welcome!
Alcohol Permitted
Service Animals Only
Site Opens: 10 am
Site Closes: 8 pm
Event Location
Camp Reimagined
160 Big Pond Rd
Huguenot, NY 12746
Google Map
The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.
Registration Fees
Adults: $30, Active Member Discount $20
PayPal link:
At Gate:
Adults: $35, Active Member Discount $25
Youth(13-17): $10
Children (<12): Free
Family Cap(Two Adults, Two Youths max): $60
No Fee
Make Checks Payable to: SCA NY Shire of Midland Vale
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Event Steward:
Sága mac Cianain
Kai Mehu (on FaceBook)
Co-Event Steward:
Martha bean ui Bhradaigh
Martha Brunelle
Send Reservations to:
Marx Von Appenzell
Mark Grob
4 Glen Drive
Goshen, NY 10924