East Kingdom Curia, Part 2 (Ethereal)

TRM will be in attendance TRH will be in attendance

Hosted by Kingdom of the East - Your City, MA

Event date: February 1st, 2024

Event Last Modified: January 26th, 2024

Event details

Greetings to all who see these words,

Their Royal Majesties Queen Feilinn and King Matthias
will hold East Kingdom Curia
on Thursday, 01 February 2024, at 8:00pm,
conducted ethereally in accordance with SCA, Inc.  guidelines.

The agenda and the Crown's proposed changes to East Kingdom Law are available at:  https://seneschal.eastkingdom.org/curia/

Link information for the Curia meeting is provided in the notes below.

in service,
Baroness Eadgyth aet Staeningum, OP, Clerk of Laws
Boyarin Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky, OL, Deputy Clerk of Laws


Seats on Curia
EK Law grants certain offices and persons the right to speak and be heard by the Crown in Curia:
- The Heirs of the East Kingdom
- The Coronet and Heirs of Principalities of the East Kingdom
- Greater Kingdom Officers
- Lesser Kingdom Officers
- Local Branch Seneschals
- East Kingdom Royal Peers
- East Kingdom Territorial Barons and Baronesses

For these gentles, Zoom link / dial-in information and password for Curia will be provided to your official eastkingdom.org address via the dedicated e-list.  To participate in the Curia meeting, you must join the meeting *via your eastkingdom.org email account* to ensure that your words reach the Crown.  (If you won't be able to do that for this Curia, please send word to the Clerk of Laws soonest so we may make alternate arrangements.  lawclerk@eastkingdom.org)

Gentles who have questions or concerns about any of the proposed EK Law changes, and who don't have a seat on Curia, are encouraged to discuss those with the appropriate Kingdom Officer or their local branch seneschal, to be sure their questions and concerns are heard by the Crown.

Livestream Broadcast
Curia will be livestreamed via the EK YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cyvOQhmlaw
Curia will not be recorded.

Closed Captioning
- Zoom meeting:  closed captioning will be turned on for all meeting participants; individuals will have the option to turn off closed captions if they’d rather not see them.
- YouTube livestream broadcast:  closed captioning is available for individual viewers to turn on (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7W41VMxyQE for easy directions).

Officer Reports
NONE at this Curia.  Greater Officers are encouraged to make their previously-submitted reports available on their EK websites.

The Crown and the Seneschal appreciate everyone's efforts to support the ethereal Curia format.  We're all especially appreciative of the efforts and support of the EK Webministry, for making this possible and even making it look easy.

Site Opens: 8:00pm
Site Closes: 10:00pm

Event Location

Your Place
Your Street
Your City, MA  01860
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.

Registration Fees



Make Checks Payable to: None

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Baroness Eadgyth aet Staeningum, OP, Clerk of Laws (lawclerk@eastkingdom.org)
Boyarin Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky, OL, Deputy Clerk of Laws (deputy-lawclerk@eastkingdom.org)

Send Reservations to:
