Bear's Tavern -- ARRRRH There Be Pirates!

Hosted by Canton of Northpass - Peekskill, NY

Event date: March 9th, 2024 - March 10th, 2024

Event Last Modified: March 1st, 2024

Event details

Arr, mateys!  After so many months on sea, chasing merchant ships and being chased by Their Majesty's Navy, the captain promised us all some shore leave.  And we know exactly where we'll be.

At Bear's Tavern, we can spend some time not looking over our shoulders and, instead, enjoying ourselves.  Whether it be gambling, eating or just sharing some quiet times with friends.  There will be games of chance, but don't lose all your coins on the roll of dice.  If'n you do, you'll get a chance to earn by entertaining the crowd or by working in the kitchen.

There'll be no activities or discounts for the wee ones!

Site Opens: March 9th at 10:00am
Site Closes: March 10th at 11:00am

Event Location

Blue Mountain Lodge
Welcher Avenue
Peekskill, NY  10566
Google Map


Make your way to Route 9 in Peekskill NY.  From either north or south, take Welcher Ave.  exit and turn east up the hill on Welcher Ave.  At the top of the hill, go straight into the park.  At the closed tollbooth, bear left and go to the lodge on your right after the pond. 

Registration Fees

Attendance fees are $50 a head for overnight stays (maximum of 40) and $45 for daytrippers (maximum of 20).  The event sells out quickly.

Members receive a $5 discount!  Woo-hoo!

There will be no feast but, rather, a steady serving of foods and beverages through out the day. 

If you have any dietary concerns, please reach out to our incredible (and returning) feastocrat!

Lady Laurie Anne Parr
laurieanne3314 (at) yahoo (dot) com

This event always sells out!!!

Make Checks Payable to: SCA NY Inc.  -- Ostgardr

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Phil Clarke Jr.

Tom Martin

Send Reservations to:

Piglet Evans
219 West 106th St., 1-E
New York, NY 10025-3663

be sure to include the apartment number!

Other Contact Information:

there will be limited space available for vendors.

again, no children's activities or discounts!