B.O.E - Ultimate Tournament NEW DATE AND NEW SITE
Hosted by Barony of Iron Bog - Mulica Hill, NJ
Event date: May 18th, 2024
Event Last Modified: May 6th, 2024
Event details
We have the pleasure of welcoming His Majesty Tindal, who will be joining us on this fine day! All it needs is "YOU" to make it all come together. What is "THE BEAST OF TOURNAMENT"? A tournament that will challenge you -- Will you be brave enough to pick the gauntlet up? Do you embrace the spirit and heart of sword fighting? So, you think you are formidable and daunting on the field? Show off your heraldry and display those fearsome, chivalrous qualities! This will be a day to show your love for swordplay, strategy, and yes ENDURANCE. Just let it ROAR! FAIR Warning make sure you have your endurance at full charge. Both formats will not be for the faint of anyone with low energy. What can you expect? In short- a full day of swordplay and great competition. If you love a tourney of chivalry and honor, then we invite you to join us for the day.
The format will challenge you but reward you with a fighting chance to display your prowess and test your endurance. CAN YOU SURVIVE THE BEAST OF A TOURNEY? Tourney to start at 11:30 ( Full schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rsb-dQMCKy4CzYKa7GjKQm2me2izrajAsU1rMJqB-KQ/edit?usp=sharing )
To be listed as a combatant, take a moment to send an email to:
sterlingdelarosa AT aol -dot- com
Subject line: BOE
Body of email: Your name (BOTH SCA and Mundane)
Authorization #:
EXP date:
Armored Combat or Rapier (or both)
The running list of Heavy combatants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CuHuLIbv_fz0UDp6uJWlvXi64wIrwkUKXD6rYqSY2gI/edit#gid=821874575
The Running list of Rapier Combatants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CuHuLIbv_fz0UDp6uJWlvXi64wIrwkUKXD6rYqSY2gI/edit#gid=550935722
Format of the Heavy weapons tourney: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCvLHJ9iUQGf812uWzZgMqkSfsXtSc3rmr0ah5ugMMg/edit?usp=sharing
Format of the Rapier tourney: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Joksw-uQRSTaNIBoFIyufd3v3VdEZE5BzOINOxE2GwU/edit?usp=sharing
Marshal in Charge of Heavy: Sir Rory MacLellan
Marshal in Charge of Rapier: Master Morwill MacShane
If you wish to help marshal, please let us know.
During the elimination rounds, there will be an area open to all for an informal bear pit. Yes, that means FIGHTING ALL DAY!
Not Heavy weapons or Rapier Combatant? Have no fear we have something for you too:
Youth Combat: Too much homework got you stressed? Too much rain got you going stir-crazy? Come on out and play. Games will be determined by attendance Contact: sean.dubh.sca@gmail.com
Combat Archery: Combat Archers come to test your skills in several challenges. Test your accuracy and speed. How fast can you pick a target and hit it? Can you hit a helmet grill 5 times in a row, or put your accuracy to the test in a version of a Mongolian archery challenge?
Siege shoot -- Distance Distance Distance -let's plan on having fun target siege (non-combat). If you have not met Montgomery Joshua, just ask him about Seige weapons!
Thrown Weapons - Range to be open. New and experienced throwers welcome!! Loaner knives and axes will be available. - MIC - Ronan FitzRobert
Archery: The archery range will be open for practice and royal rounds, with both modern and period targets. MIC Lady Ellyn Grene, contact her at 212045@members.eastkingdom.org if you have any questions or to volunteer to marshal.
Equestrian: This event is not just for the two-legged athletes. Lady Tessa is planning a day of fun which will include Choosing the next Baronial Equestrian Champion. Please reach out if you are interested in attending. We have made arrangements for overnight trailering (Friday into Saturday only) provided for an additional $25 to the site.
A&S: Show off your skills and talents. Artisan's Row demonstrates how your works of art are done. Classes teach others. Round table to talk about all the wonders of the A&S. For more details follow this link and Please email me, Katherine Barr, at 54735@members.eastkingdom.org if you would like to teach a class, are considering participating in Artisan’s Row, or have any questions. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14FRqfyf2BCTpf4DKZvW_dan9Xjnb78B_8U3zr95jyGI/edit
Merchants -- I have room -- we just need you to give everyone the chance to possible acquire your wares. The event is outside and mostly flat ground. If you are planning to merchant please send an email to sterlingdelarosa at aol.com with the subject line -BOE Merchant. This is just to let me know to expect you.
Schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rsb-dQMCKy4CzYKa7GjKQm2me2izrajAsU1rMJqB-KQ/edit?usp=sharing
Dog friendly - PLEASE take the courteous mandatory care that is needed.
Site is dry per contract
Motor vehicles MUST BE parked in designated parking areas.
For those who are mobility-challenged, the campground is fairly flat but very spacious. There are paths for motorized scooters to move around.
LINK FOR SCHEDULE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rsb-dQMCKy4CzYKa7GjKQm2me2izrajAsU1rMJqB-KQ/edit?usp=sharing
LINK TO PICTURES OF THE SITE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V4YVJbi9huxAtDBB8LO_WHkdt9ChiKnTDxlSzBMm8UA/edit?usp=sharing
Site Opens: 9:00
Site Closes: 9:00
Event Location
Glouster County 4H Fair
275 NJ- 77
Mulica Hill, NJ 08062
Google Map
Gloucester County 4H Fair
275 NJ- 77
Mulica Hill, NJ 08062
Registration Fees
****Pre-reg prior to April 15,2024
Adults: $20 ($10 with proof of membership)
***Pre-reg prior to April 15 ,2024
AFTER April 15,2024
Adults: $25 ($15 with proof of membership)
A PayPal invoice will be generated within 24-48 hours of the online preregistration information being submitted. Online preregistration is not complete until the PayPal invoice has been paid.
DAY BOARD is scheduled - Mistress Katya Gordon has picked up the spoon of Challenge to bring you a day board. The day board will run from 12:30 to 3:30
For food allergies concerns **please** send email to 148140@members.eastkingdom.org --- Subject line : Day board BOE
If you would like to offer you help please send email to the same address with subject line: Day board - Help
LINK FOR FOOD TYPE PLACES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M0qve77Jcf8rfo4P8J2i8GXMU55q2TAgr8uxgxGsao8/edit?usp=sharing
Make Checks Payable to: Make Checks Payable to: Make Checks Payable to: SCA NJ Inc. Barony of Iron Bog
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Sterling McGuire
Sir Sterling De La Rosa
856 - 313- 8075
Send Reservations to:
Katya Gordon
2400 McClellan Ave, E1019. Pennsauken, NJ 08109
Contact Lady Katya Gordon with any questions @
Other Contact Information:
*** Combatants email to (sterlingdelarosa@aol.com)
Subject line: BOE
Body of email: Your name (BOTH SCA and Mundane), Authorization #, EXP date, Armored Combat or Rapier (or both)
THIS IS NOT FOR PREREG -- Prereg with Paypal link
Dog friendly - PLEASE take the courteous mandatory care need.
Site is dry per contract
Motor vehicles MUST BE parked in designated parking areas.
For those who are mobility-challenged, the campground is fairly flat but very spacious. There are paths for motorized scooters to move around.
LINK FOR FOOD TYPE PLACES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M0qve77Jcf8rfo4P8J2i8GXMU55q2TAgr8uxgxGsao8/edit?usp=sharing
LINK FOR SCHEDULE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rsb-dQMCKy4CzYKa7GjKQm2me2izrajAsU1rMJqB-KQ/edit?usp=sharing
LINK TO PICTURES OF THE SITE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V4YVJbi9huxAtDBB8LO_WHkdt9ChiKnTDxlSzBMm8UA/edit?usp=sharing