Malagentian Test Kitchen
Hosted by Province of Malagentia - Pownal, ME
Event date: May 6th, 2023 - May 7th, 2023
Event Last Modified: April 18th, 2023
Event details
This event is being held at Bradbury Mountain State Park in Pownal, Maine, about 30 minutes north of Portland and just outside of Freeport.
The Test Kitchen is designed to be light on structure, heavy on flexibility. Want to learn how to roast a rabbit over a spit? Buy a few from a local butcher, research the techniques and come to this event with the plan to do several during the course of a day. Want to learn how to cook stew, or biscuits, or whatever tickles your fancy over an open fire? Do some research, get the materials and bring them to this event.
You are responsible for your own recipes and ingredients and gear. Firewood is for sale at the site; please do not bring any firewood, as there are numerous ‘do not transport’ orders in Maine due to invasive pests.
You will also be able to visit the varied close campsites and learn about the recipes and techniques being experimented with. Everyone is encouraged to bring copies of recipes, directions, research, so they can be shared out and knowledge gained.
The day will start with several classes for those interested, including fire starting / fire building instruction, and hopefully some others centered around period food and cooking techniques. The cooking and experimental activities will last through the morning/afternoon. Early evening, we will hold a voluntary potluck feast, bringing together the fruits of the day’s efforts.
The Northern Chef Competition - Are you looking to challenge yourself and your outdoor cooking skills in a fun filled and tasty contest against chefs from all over the East, against the elements and weather, and against the Secret ingredient to become the new Iron Northern Chef? Come to the Malagentian Outdoor Test Kitchen and battle to become the reigning Northern Chef!! Click here for a full description of the competition, rubric and contact information: or contact Magister Gaius Fieri Claudius Valerianus at gaiusclaudius at Hotmail dot com
You are encouraged to camp overnight Saturday, but day-tripping is fine (you are welcome to camp Friday night, unofficially). The site features excellent tree coverage, so even if weather isn’t optimal, the site is pleasant. Sunday morning will feature a garbed hike up Bradbury Mountain (a hill with modest ambitions, really) with a bit of fencing at the top.
The overall goal here is to help people get some outdoor, fire-pit cooking skills that they can use at other events. We encourage period tents, but they are not required at all. Folks can camp in lean-tos, or in modern tents, or in period shelters, if they have them. The site will be open to the public, so we may have interested folks checking us out, as well, which is excellent.
As in the past, those wishing to visit for the day or camp will pay their fees to the state park; there are no other site fees involved. Please note – online reservations for this weekend are not available, as our event is actually “pre” camping season. Fees:
• Camping: $15/site per day for residents, $25/non-resident. Each site can hold up to 6 people – all covered by this fee.
• Day use: Resident adults and youth 12+: $6; 65+ – free. Adult Non-resident, $6; Senior Non-Resident, $2. All youth 5-11, $1; under 5, free.
Merchants dealing in wares directly related to cooking are welcome; please contact for information.
Site Opens: 9 a.m. Saturday
Site Closes: 11 a.m. Sunday
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Site Opens: Saturday, 9 a.m.
Site Closes: Sunday, Noon
Event Website
Event Location
Bradbury State Park
529 Hallowell Road
Pownal, ME 04069
Google Map
The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.
Directions 528 Hallowell Road, Pownal, ME:
In Pownal, five miles from the Freeport-Durham Exit 22 off U.S. I-295. From Exit 22 head west and make a left onto Durham Road.
Follow this road (It will become Pownal Rd., then Elmwood Rd.) to the blinking light at the intersection of Route 9 and Elmwood Road. Turn right onto Route 9. The park entrance is a few minutes drive; on the left (west) side of Route 9.
In Pownal, five miles from the Freeport-Durham Exit 22 off U.S. I-295. From Exit 22 head west and make a left onto Durham Road.
Follow this road (It will become Pownal Rd., then Elmwood Rd.) to the blinking light at the intersection of Route 9 and Elmwood Road. Turn right onto Route 9. The park entrance is a few minutes drive; on the left (west) side of Route 9.
Registration Fees
• Camping: $15/site per day for residents, $25/non-resident. Each site can hold up to 6 people – all covered by this fee.
• Day use: Resident adults and youth 12+: $6; 65+ – free. Adult Non-resident, $6; Senior Non-Resident, $2. All youth 5-11, $1; under 5, free.
Merchants dealing in wares directly related to cooking are welcome; please contact for information.
Make Checks Payable to: Treasurer, State of Maine
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Lady Octavia Valeria
Send Reservations to: