Carolingia 50 Year Celebration

TRM will be in attendance TRH will be in attendance

Hosted by Barony of Carolingia - Westford , MA

Event date: September 9th, 2023 - September 10th, 2023

Event Last Modified: August 29th, 2023

Event details

It has been a long and wonderful journey since the first event in Carolingia, the St.  Valentine’s Day Ball held at Wellesley College in February of 1971.  Come celebrate with us as the Barony of Carolingia honors the 50th Anniversary of its founding with a celebration event.  There will be something for everyone!  We will have fighting, fencing, thrown weapons, and archery.  There will be European dancing instruction, A&S Challenges, an A&S display, and a theatrical performance.  We will have a full day of Middle Eastern classes and performances, ending in a Hafla.  There will be a hearty dayboard prepared by Lord Zohane Faber, and a fabulous feast board prepared by Lady Deirdre Grenewood. 

The site is the 4H Middlesex Fair Ground in Westford, MA.  It is the site of our annual Falling Leaves event in recent years.  It is a dry site, with no exceptions.  We invite all current and former citizens of our Barony as well as all of our esteemed neighbors to join us in these activities, or just come and reconnect with old friends and new. 

A Pas d’armes will be held to celebrate 50 glorious years.  Honored combatants will have the opportunity to display their prowess by issuing challenges to honored houses, brave companies, or bold individuals. 
Be it singles or melee, matched weapons or bring your best, warriors from the East will meet the challenge.  Participants are encouraged to arm and dress to impress as each challenge will be announced and each combatant heralded into the list.

If you are a musician, storyteller, or performer, we will have a performance stage available throughout the day for you to entertain the populace.  Please contact our performance coordinator to reserve a time to perform.  In addition to these performances, i Sebastiani, Carolingia's own Commedia dell'Arte troupe, will entertain us with a show in the afternoon. 

We will have both A&S classes, as well as a display.  If you are interested in teaching a class, please email Richard Heyworth, the Carolingia 50 A&S Coordinator, with a quick and description of the class you'd like to teach.  He can be reached at Please also reach out if you are interested in displaying an A&S Project.  It's so exciting to imagine that our Barony has been active and engaged for fifty years, and we hope you'll join us in making our celebration incredible.

Later in the day, there will be a Baronial Court of Carolingia, and a Royal Court. 

Merchants are welcome and encouraged to attend.  There is no charge beyond the gate fee to sell your wares at the event, but merchants must contact the autocrat ahead of time to reserve a space. 

On Sunday, we will be having the Carolingian Baronial Championships for Thrown Weapons and Archery!  Please direct any questions about the competitions to the autocrat who will forward them to the current Champions. 

Please note that on Sunday the event will end at 2pm. 

As we expect this event may be of interest to many who have been citizens of our Barony in the past, but who have been absent for some years, we will have plenty of loaner garb (Gold Key) available for those who no longer have, or don't fit into their old garb.  If you know you will need to borrow garb, please reach out to our Gold Key coordinator with size requirements so we can do our best to have something that works for you.  You can also make arrangements with him to pick garb up in advance, so you can be sure you will have it for the event.  Please contact the Gold Key coordinator at

A hotel block has been reserved at a hotel nearby - the Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center.  The hotel block will be held until August 3rd.  Depending on the number of folks staying at the hotel, we are prepared to put a shuttle service into place, as the parking at the event site is limited.  This is the link for booking:

Additional bathrooms will be supplied in the form of six port-a-potties and two handwashing stations to compensate for the size of the event vis-à-vis the on site facilities.

The event schedule, menus, and other details can be found on the event website. 

For all questions about Martial activities, please contact the Martial Activities Deputy:
Sir Trentus Nubianus

For questions about A&S Classes, or the A&S Display, please contact the Carolingia 50 A&S Coordinator:
Richard Heyworth

Site Opens: 9:30 AM
Site Closes: 11 PM

Event Location

4H Middlesex Fair
55 S Chelmsford Road
Westford , MA  01886
Google Map


Take your best route to get to I-495 and take exit 83 towards Westford, head southeast from the exit ramp on Boston Road to turn left onto 110/Littleford Rd.  Turn right onto S Chelmsford Rd, and the site will be on the right after 1.8 miles.

Registration Fees

Adults NONMEMBER (18+):  $35
Adults SCA Member (18+):  $30
Youth (6-17):  free
Child (0-5):  free

Payment at the door will be accepted via cash or check only.  Pre-registrations can be made via Paypal or check - please see the details under Contact Information.

Lunch and Dinner dayboards on Saturday are included in the site fee.

Make Checks Payable to: SCA MA Inc.  Barony of Carolingia

Contact Information

Event Steward:

SCA Name:  Kassandra Aiantide

Send Reservations to:

Deadline to pre-register is September 3rd.

Through PayPal:

If you pre-register via the online link, you will receive an invoice within 24 hours via PayPal.  Click on the Payment button and pay either using your PayPal account, credit card or e-check.

Or by mail to:
Lisa Goldthwaite Wright
579 Winter St
Framingham, MA 01702

Other Contact Information:

Merchants please contact the Event Steward to reserve a space at the event.