Balfar's Challenge & Dragonship Haven Baronial Investiture
Hosted by Barony of Dragonship Haven - Guilford, CT
Event date: April 29th, 2023
Event Last Modified: April 20th, 2023
Event details
This year, we are delighted to announce that Balfar's Challenge will not only include a vast array of activities, but will also include a Baronial Investiture! Please come and join us in our celebration of the Barony of Dragonship Haven as we welcome the investiture of Master Morgan ap Rhys ap Bran and Lady Clarice D'allaines le Comte and the legacies of Baroness Reyne Wurm and Baroness Rhode Kephalania.
Note this is the same site as last year, but it is still a bit shiny and new to us!
Martial Activities
Three person teams with cool names please! (Balfar and others will be reading team names in court, so be wary!) Martial activities will include archery, armored combat, youth combat, fencing and thrown weapons.
Armored Combat Rules:
Teams of 3 will work together in a Warlord Tourney.
Each team of 3 shall consist of:
-At most 1 member of the Chiv
-At least 1 great weapon
Fencing Rules:
Teams of 3 will work together in a Roman melee scenario.
Each team of 3 shall consist of:
-At most 1 member of the Order of Defense
Archery Rules:
Teams of 3 are encouraged for participation in the overall Challenge. Individual archers may still attend to compete for fun.
Each team of 3 shall consist of:
-At least 1 archer ranked as Bowman or below (RR average of 79.99 or under)
-Only ONE of the following: Master Bowman, Grandmaster Bowman, or Sagittarius
Archers who are unranked are on their honor to rank themselves according to their all-time highest score submission.
If an archer has not actively shot within the last 5 years, they shall automatically be counted among "Bowman or below".
We encourage everyone to make arrangements in advance to find archers who fit into the team structure above.
If anyone needs assistance in formulating a team in advance, the Unofficial East Kingdom Archery Facebook Page ( ) may be a good resource for you to meet the community and make some new archery friends!
Thrown Weapons Rules:
Thrown weapons will hold a traditional tournament of individuals, hosted by the DSH Thrown Weapons Marshal in Charge.
Youth Combat:
There will be youth combat activities available! Activity details to be announced the day of the event. Loaner gear will be available.
Arts & Sciences Heraldic Challenge
Spring has come, and art is still alive. Come enter the annual heraldic challenge. Make any piece you want that integrates heraldry. It does not have to be your own heraldry. Winners will be selected for the complexity of the item, the best integration of the heraldry, and the best overall. Documentation is not required, but a picture of the original heraldry must accompany the item.
For newcomers who want to visit Balfar's Challenge
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)( is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities.
Members of the SCA study and take part in a variety of activities, including combat, archery, equestrian activities, costuming, cooking, metalwork, woodworking, music, dance, calligraphy, fiber arts, and much more. If it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, odds are you’ll find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it.
Balfar's Challenge is an outdoor event hosted yearly by the Barony of Dragonship Haven, focusing on historic martial skills. The event features a myriad of opportunities to engage with the "Middles Ages as they should have been" including: competitions in archery, armored combat, fencing, and thrown weapons; vendors of costuming and medieval recreations; a delicious buffet befitting a medieval tourney day; and capped off with a Royal Court.
Health Acknowledgement
By attending this event, you are confirming that you (as well as any minors that you are parent or guardian for):
➢ Are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at ( [] )., including but not limited to:
• Fever or chills
• Dry cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
• Muscle or body aches
• New loss of sense of taste or smell;
➢ Have not been near someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within the last 14 days without following CDC guidance for self-quarantine;
➢ Agree to follow all COVID safety restrictions imposed by the SCA, the event site, and/or local, state, provincial, or federal government or health authorities.
➢If you have an underlying condition which increases your risk, strongly consider your own health and safety before attending an in-person activity. (
[] ).
Event Day Schedule:
8:00 am: Site is available for merchants & Royal staff setup
9:00 am: Gate opens
9:00 - 11 am: Fields are open for sign-ups, inspections, authorizations, etc.
11 - 11:45 am: Morning Dragonship Haven Baronial Court and Investiture Ceremony
11:45 am - 4:00pm: Marshal activities!
4:00 pm: Activities finish up and prepare for Evening Court
5:00 pm: Evening Court
Other Site Details:
Site is discreetly damp.
Dogs are allowed on site but MUST remain on leash at all times and cleaned up after.
Site Opens: 9 am
Site Closes: 7 pm
Event Location
Guilford Fairgrounds
111 Lovers Ln
Guilford, CT 06437
Google Map
The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.
Registration Fees
Adult nonmember: $30
Adult member: $25
Youth (10-17): $20
Child (0-9): free
Family cap (a family group with 1 or 2 adults with any number of youths): $80 assumes both adults are members. So if one adult is a member and one isn't, then the family cap is $85, and if neither adult is a member, then the family cap is $90
**Pre-registration is available via PayPal until 4/19/2023**
**Pre-registration is NOT required, paying at Gate will be available**
No feast. Dayboard will be provided.
Please contact Dayboard Steward Chef Jaji at for any questions concerning food allergies or dayboard menu.
Make Checks Payable to: Barony of Dragonship Haven
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Catalina de Valencia
MKA Veronica Tanguay
Send Reservations to:
Pre-registration is available using PayPal. Please use the link provided for pre-registration. A PayPal invoice will be generated within 24 hours of the online preregistration information being submitted. Online preregistration is not complete until the PayPal invoice has been paid.
**PayPal pre-registration HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 4/25/2023 EVENING**
**Pre-registration is NOT required, paying at Gate will be available**
Other Contact Information:
Co-event stewards: Maria la Morada and Llewellyn Walsh
Merchant Coordinator: Llewellyn Walsh (David Tanguay)