Middleground 2023

Hosted by Shire of Lyndhaven - Upper Gagetown, NB

Event date: May 19th, 2023 - May 22nd, 2023

Event Last Modified: May 13th, 2023

Event details

Good gentles of the East kingdom harken to my words !!  The Shire of Lyndhaven has found a great hoard of treasure !!  We know not from where this treasure has come but we invite all to come explore this new location for our new Middleground Site.  Perhaps you will find some treasure too !  We have conventional SCA activities as well as some new ones, come find out !!

Tir Mara Regional Archery Championship will be held this year at MiddleGround !!

Tir Mara Regional Thrown Weapons Championship will also be held this year at Middleground !

From May 19th to 22nd 2023, Tir Mara will gather in the Shire of Lyndhaven (Mundanely New Brunswick, Canada) This will be a 4 day event. 
A Regional War practice will be held!  This site can accommodate ANY activity.  Camping as well as Cabins for accommodations are available.  We will have Heavy List as well as Fencing, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Bardic competition, A&S competition and display as well as classes.  We have showers and a beach, a fighting ring and buildings for our merchants and any other activities.
Feast will be on Saturday night and will be prepared by our famous Lord Snarfi Snorrison and Lady Inga Thorgansdottir !!  Limited to 80 spots so reserve early !! 
Final Reservations for the event and Feast are the 30th of April !!

Advanced reservations, Feast, and Bunk space are now closed !!!

Come join us as Tir Mara prepares for war like only we can !

For more information or if you have questions, we have a Facebook group !
Search for (Middleground & Schola 2023)

Site Opens: May 19, 2023 1700hrs
Site Closes: May 22, 2023 1500hrs

Event Location

Camp Medley
168 Gunter Hill Rd
Upper Gagetown, NB  E5M 1N7
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Checklist.


Take your best route to exit 330 on NB Rt 102. 
From the west turn left and SCA signs will be posted immediately
From the East turn right and SCA signs will be posted Immediately

Registration Fees

Adult - (19 years & up) Pre-Registered $40.00 (Non-Member $45.00)
Adult - (19 years & up) on site $50.00 (non-Registration $55.00)
Youth - (5-18 years) - Pre- Registration $25.00
Youth - (5-18 years) - On Site $30.00
Child - (1-4 years) - Pre- Registration $5.00
Child - (1-4 Years) - On site $10.00
Babes in arms (up to 1 year) Free
on board Feast Registration $10.00 (reservations will close on the 30th of April 2023.  Max attendance is set for 50 pers.)
Daytrip fees available on request to Event Steward
There will be the standard $5.00 Non-Member surcharge applied to these fees (See Above)

Feast is an additional $10.00 per person payable at the gate
Please reserve with...
Feast coordinator – Lady Inga Reached at katiecakes100@hotmail.com

Please send all allergies or alternative food choices to the above.

Feast deadline is April 30th 2023

Make Checks Payable to: SCA-Shire of Lyndhven

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Event Steward
Doug Stairs
Lord Aehelwuf Stealcere
(506) 897-1357

Advanced reservations, Feast, and Bunk space are now closed !!!

Send Reservations to:

Advanced Gate sent to
Questions too Sister Emma of Ravensdale at exchequer@lyndhaven.eastkingdom.org
Send reservations to: 
Amy Nantel 251 Watson St,
Apt 2 Saint John, New Brunswick
E2M 1H1 Canada


Other Contact Information:

Marshal Activities Coordinator – Count Wulfgar at seneschal@lyndhaven.eastkingdom.org
This year at Middleground there will be the first memorial tourney for heavy fighters to honor the passing of Sir Emrys Hawkwind.  This tourney will be a standard double elimination tournament with the finals being the best out of five with matched weapons.  The whole of Tira Mara hopes you will join us in a wonderful tourney designed to remember and pay tribute to a man who has done so much for so many. 
Event Marshal in charge
Count Wulfgar Von-Ostrand, KSCA
Merchants Coordinator – Lord Edwin Thorne at chatelaine@lyndhaven.eastkingdom.org
Class / Non Marshal Ativities Coordinator – Lord Evandrus of Hallstatt Reached at 253897@members.eastkingdom.org
Bardic Information - 261297@members.eastkingdom.org