Ethereal Court XII of the Eastern Consules, Tindal and Alberic

Hosted by Kingdom of the East - Your town, NY
Event date: August 26th, 2021
Event Last Modified: July 26th, 2021
Event details
This will be the Twelfth Court of the Eastern Consules, Tindal and Alberic. The court will focus on the presentation of awards.
To facilitate the awards for these courts, The Consules will be holding recognition recording sessions during the month prior to the court. Please see the EK Kingdom Announcements page for additional information on the recognition session dates/times.
Link to the live stream event at:
To facilitate the awards for these courts, The Consules will be holding recognition recording sessions during the month prior to the court. Please see the EK Kingdom Announcements page for additional information on the recognition session dates/times.
Link to the live stream event at:
Site Opens: 8pm
Site Closes: 10pm
Event Location
Your home
Your street
Your town, NY 11111
Google Map
Registration Fees
Make Checks Payable to: No one