Mudthaw ****CANCELLED*****
Hosted by Barony of Settmour Swamp - Roseland, NJ
Event date: March 28th, 2020
Event Last Modified: March 13th, 2020
Event details
With a heavy heart, We bring the sad tidings that Mudthaw has been canceled. This decision was not made lightly, but protecting the Eastern Populace is Our first priority. We are truly sorry to miss the opportunity to see and recognize so many of you but feel that this is the right thing for Our populace. We want to thank everyone who has been working to preparing this great event and their understanding of this decision.
Their Excellencies Settmour Swamp have not yet had the opportunity to discuss the possibility of rescheduling the event. They need some time to regroup and explore what may be possible.
The Barony has committed to fully refunding all PayPal pre-registrations. Because of the financial rules about using PayPal, those refunds will come from the Barony, rather than back to you through PayPal. To request a refund, please send an email to, with Mudthaw Refund in the subject line.
Thank you for continuing to take care of yourselves and your communities. You are the treasures within society and without.
Yours in Service to the East and the Dream,
Margarita, Queen of the East Kingdom
Medhbh, Kingdom Seneschal
As warmer weather approaches, some may consider going on pilgrimage. Others contemplate the thawing of the mud. Please join us on March 28th as we gather to enjoy much that our society has to offer. There will be tournaments of martial skill; the arts and sciences will be celebrated and demonstrated. A delicious feast is being planned by Mistress Charis Accipiter using recipes by the Italian chef, Bartolomeo Scappi (c. 1500-1577).
Our site is once again the Greek Orthodox Church, and they have kindly asked that we be respectful of their facility and beliefs.
• There will be absolutely no martial activities of any sort inside the building.
• We have also been asked not to have any open flames in the building.
• The site's main halls have wood “gym” floors; please do not wear footwear that could damage the floor.
• The site is discretely damp. While alcohol is permitted, please try to use period containers.
• We have been asked to be mindful of keeping off grassy areas lest they become fitting for the name and theme of this event.
We would like to continue to build a lasting relationship with this site by respecting their wishes.
The site is handicapped accessible.
*Artisans Row*
For those more inclined to the Arts and Sciences, we are very excited to once again host an Artisans Row. We hope that many of you will be able to come to the hall and not only participate in the row but walk away with a new skill or craft that you would like to pursue. In past years participants have been able to sample: Calligraphy and Illumination, Embroidery, Spinning, Weaving, Lampwork, Wire work, Lucet, Period music and much more.
There will also be a display of arts and sciences (A&S). Please include a detailed description of your work. If you have questions about displaying, please contact
Fencing at Mudthaw will see the Annual Heavy Rapier Tournament, the Annual Cut and Thrust Tournament, and melees for all. The list opens at 10:00 AM with the Tournament at 11:00. The field closes promptly at 3:30 PM.
The Armored Combat Tournament will be fought in the traditional Mudthaw double elimination format. The tournament will begin promptly at 11:30 am. Check in closes at 11:00 am. Inspections close at 11:15 am. If you need an authorization, please get the paperwork from the MoL at check in, and let a marshal know as soon as you can. Authorizations will not be fought after 11:30 am, unless there is time after the tourney has completed. Please contact Ögurr Aðalbrandarson, who is the Barony's Knight Marshal, at if you have any questions.
Due to the large court schedule, all martial activities will start on time and end at 3:30 (or earlier) to allow court to start on time.
As in years past, there will NOT be a dayboard at Mudthaw. We are hoping to once again offer a savory bake sale going on as a fundraiser but that is still in the planning phase. Check back here for updates.
There are some restaurants about a mile and a half down the road from the site.
Please plan accordingly.
Tentative SCHEDULE
9:00 – Merchant setup
9:30 - Site Opens
9:30 - Merchants Open
10:30 - Morning Royal Court - Main hall
11:30 - Artisans' Row opens -- Main Hall
11:30 - Armored Combat Tournament begins – outside /back parking lot
11:30 – Rapier Tournament begins – outside /back parking lot
12 noon - Youth Combat & Rapier starts – outside /back parking lot
12:30 - A&S Display begins-- Main Hall
2:30 - Artisans' Row closes
3:15 - A&S display ends
3:15 - Main Hall reset for Court
3:30 - All Marshal Activities end
3:30 - Baronial Court -- Main Hall
4:00 - Evening Royal Court-- Main Hall
5:00 - Merchants close
6:30 - Main Hall reset for Feast
7:00 - Feast-- Smaller Hall
9:00 - Feast ends
9:30 - Site Closes (Anyone staying afterwards, we thank you for helping with cleaning up.)
TENTATIVE FEAST MENU - from "The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570): L'arte et prudenza d'un maestro cuoco (The Art and Craft of a Master Cook)"
Biscotelli - tarts
Mostacciuoli Mapoletani - anise cookies
Ricotte passate er la siringa servite con zuccaro sopra - ricotta pancakes topped with sugar
Presciuto cotto in vino tagliato in fette, servitor con sugodi melangole & zuccaro sopra - dried ham cooked in wine, thinly sliced and served with an orange sauce topped with sugar
Offelle alla Milanese - cheese tarts
Suppa di funghi salati - soup of salted mushrooms seasoned with onions, pepper, cinnamon and saffron
Brisavoli di polpe di vitelli tramezati con cascio, uova, et uva spina sottestati - beef filets stuffed with gooseberries
Insalata di cetrioli and cipolle - salad of cucumbers and onions
Casci parmeggiano in fettuccie - tagliatella with cheese, sugar and cinnamon
Pernice in crostata con sugo di pruggne secche - capons in pie with prune sauce and cherries
Torte di herbe alla Lombirda - egg and cheese tart with fresh herbs
Tortellini con piselli Freschi e cipollotti - fresh handmade tortellini filled with egg yolks, peas, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, sugar, spring onions, and creamy parmesan cheese
If you have questions or requests about the feast, please contact Mistress Charis Accipiter, ahead of time. Last minute requests are difficult to accommodate.
Site Opens: 9:30 am
Site Closes: 9:30 pm
Event Location
Ss. Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church
80 Laurel Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068
Google Map
If you are using a GPS and are coming down 280 East, you need to make a LEFT onto Laurel ave at Exit 6. Some GPS systems tell you to make a right--don’t trust it; you are being deceived.
Find your best route to New Jersey Route 280.
From RT 280 East, take Exit 6 Laurel Avenue
Make a LEFT onto Laurel Avenue. The site is less than a mile (0.2 mile) down Laurel Ave.
From RT 280 West
Take exit 6B Laurel Avenue; make a right onto Laurel Avenue. The site is less than a mile (0.2 mile) down Laurel Ave.
Should you arrive and not find suitable parking, please park at
The Crossing Church
22 Laurel Avenue
Livingston NJ 07039
Registration Fees
To register via Paypal please use the link below to create your invoice:
A PayPal invoice will be generated within 24 hours of the online preregistration information being submitted. Online preregistration is not complete until the PayPal invoice has been paid. The final day to preregister online is Wednesday, March 18th.
• Adult Non-Members $20.00
• Adult Members (with Member Discount) $15.00
• Minors (6-17 years of age) $5
• Minors (0-5 years of age) free
Feast fee is $10. Children under the age of 5 are free.
Online preregistration for feast has closed as of March 1. Contact Lord Phelippe le Vigneron (see below) with inquiries about the few remaining seats.
Make Checks Payable to: SCA NJ, Inc., Barony of Settmour Swamp
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Mistress Judith bas Rabbi Mendel
mka Catherine Mendelsohn
(973) 214-5356
Send Reservations to:
If preregistering by mail, send preregistrations to:
Lord Phelippe le Vigneron
mka Jeff Watson
593 Brass Castle Road
Oxford, NJ 07863
Or see above for instructions on using PayPal to preregister.
Other Contact Information:
MERCHANTS: $5 fee in addition to the appropriate personal registration fee.
There is limited space for merchants indoors. In addition there is outdoor space available in a paved covered area. Merchants must provide their own table. Due to space considerations, they are limited to one table each and/or a maximum footprint of 6’ wide x 4’ deep.
The site requires that we provided them ahead of time with a list of all merchants with full contact information. If you have not provided that information to the Merchant Coordinator and paid the site fee and your personal registration fee by the pre-registration deadline, you will not be able to merchant.
Please remember that our site is a Greek Orthodox Church. We ask that you respect their religious beliefs when choosing what to display and sell this day.
Merchant contact person: Bahee Na Hinse. She can be reached at