Iron Bog Investiture/K&Q Archery Champions

Hosted by Barony of Iron Bog - Mullica Hill, NJ
Event date: June 16th, 2018
Event Last Modified: June 13th, 2018
Event details
As part of the celebration, Iron Bog will be hosting the East Kingdom Archery Champions' Tournament. And to add to the day, Iron Bog will be also holding their Baronial Fencing and Rattan Champion's Tournaments.
Archers of the East! The time has come to test your skills in the King's and Queen's archery champion tournament! Queen's champion Lord Kusunoki Yoshimoto and King's champion Lady Siobahn Chorimaic have designed for you a contest based on Russian fairy tales and history with a few modern twists! Ward off Charging Mongolians and the evil witch Baba Yaga! Save the snow maiden, Snigorochka! And who could have a Russian shoot without Rocky, Bullwinkle, Boris, and Natasha?
Event Schedule;
9:00am Troll Opens and the Site is Open
9:00am - 10:30am Lists Open for K’s & Q’s Archery Champions,
10:00am – 11:00am Lists open for Iron Bog Rapier Champs and Iron Bog Rattan Champs, Thrown weapons tourney
10:30am K’s & Q’s Archery Tournament Begins
11:00am – 12 noon Last Court of Baroness Creature and investing of the New Baron and Baroness and Morning Royal Court, local tournament lists will be closed for Court.
12:00 noon Rattan List, Rapier Lists, and Thrown Weapon Lists Re-Open after Morning Court.
12:30pm – 4:00pm Iron Bog Rapier Champions, Iron Bog Rattan Champions Tournament, and Thrown Weapons Tournaments.
12:30pm – 2:00pm Day Board
4:00pm - All Marshal Lists Close
4:30pm – 5:30pm 1st Baronial Court
5:30pm - 7:00pm Evening Royal Court,
7:00pm to 9:00pm Curia,
9:00pm - Event Ends and Clean Up Begins
Merchants are welcome at no cost. If you want a choice spot please contact the Merchant Steward.
For some of our newer members, Lord Conrad von Altmark will be teaching a class on Persona Development starting at 2pm.
There will be a meeting of the Athena's Thimble at 2pm.
There are handicapped bathrooms on site. Most of the site is accessible to individuals with walking issues.
The site is a DRY SITE.
Dogs are welcome, but must remain on a leash and be under control at all times. Owners, must clean up after their dogs. Any infractions of these rules may result in you leaving the site without a refund.
There will be no feast. Day Board will be between 12:30pm and 2:00pm.
Site Opens: 9:00am
Site Closes: 9:00pm
Event Location
Gloucester County 4H Fairgrounds
Rte. 77 (275 Bridgeton Pike)
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062
Google Map
Please consult your GPS or online map program.
Registration Fees
Paypal is now closed!
Adults: $15.00 with a $5.00 discount for members
Minors: (Age 10yrs old to 17yrs old) $ 4.00 per person
Minors: (Babies to 9yrs old) $0.00 per person
Family Rates:
2 SCA adults plus 3 (or more) children 10-17 would cost: $30
1 SCA adult and 1 nonmember adult plus 3 (or more) children 10-17 would cost: $35
2 nonmember adults plus 3 (or more) children 10-17 would cost: $40
There will be no feast. There are several restaurants in the area.
There will be pizza will be provided to those staying for Curia. (Yes, we know it's not very period).
Make Checks Payable to: Barony of Iron Bog, SCA Inc.
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Joel M. Doner
Master Lawrence Thornguard,aka Baron Larry
Send Reservations to:
Please send all mail reservations to:
Lady Molly Inghean Ui Raighallaigh
M.K.A: Jean Bachen
140 Sunset Dr.
Mount Royal, NJ 08061
Other Contact Information:
Merchant Steward: Lady Marion ferch Llewllyn mka Eileen Anddreotti at
Head Cook: Lady Genevra D' Angouleme. If you have dietary questions, or you want to help in the Kitchen she can be reached at