Hrim Schola

Hosted by Barony of Dragonship Haven - Middlefield, CT

Event date: March 17th, 2018

Event Last Modified: March 9th, 2018

Event details

The hills may be covered in frost, but we invite you to a cozy schola dedicated to the Fiber Arts.

Hrim Schola

The Barony of Dragonship Haven and the Barony Beyond the Mountain will host Hrim Schola
March 17, 2018
Middlefield Federated Church
402 Main Street
Middlefield, CT 06455

Classes start at 11:00 and run until 1:00.  There will be a break for lunch between 1:00 and 2:00, though lunch will be available before and after that time.  Classes will then resume from 2:00 -
5:00.  Court will start at 5:15.

This is the final listing of classes.  Updated March 9, 2018.  The previous list was in alphabetical order by instructor name.  This one is in alphabetical order by class title.  The class grid with times is here:


A Brief History of Knitting – Angharad verch Rees
This class will show pictures of extant pieces of knitting from the 11th century to the end of the SCA period.  We will discuss what you can make for your persona's time period and location.
1 hour.  No class limit.

Block Carving and Printing – Sarra Swetehick and Sisuile Butler
In this class, participants will have an introduction to block printing in period.  Pre-made blocks will be available in both European and Indian designs.  Participants are welcome to print pre-made blocks or carve designs of original design or from period sources. 
Note:  Students will have the option to print on a flour sack towel.  Students who choose to carve will be given a 3"x4" piece of carving material.  Students will be given design options but may bring their own design (devices, etc., are popular.) Participants are welcome to bring a design to carve but should be sure to reverse the design (mirror image) if the direction of the design matters.  An example may be if a bird faces left on one's device.
2 hours.  Class limit 9.  Materials Fee - $7 to only print, $10 to carve a custom block and print.

Bobbin Lace, Introduction – Nest verch Tangwistel
You will learn how to do a simple plaited braid, windmill cross, picot and start on a simple piece of lace.  you can walk out of this class with the start of one of the earliest types of bobbin lace.
2 hours.  Class limit 6.  Materials fee $12 for bobbins.

Brocading on a Four-Harness Floor Loom.  – Albreda Aylese
1 hour.  Class limit 24.

Built Fjord Tough:  Sewing Sturdy Seams – Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva, called Tasha
This class is meant to be a follow-on class to “Stabbing Fabric,” but there is no prerequisite save a familiarity with basic stitches.  This class will cover methods of hand sewing for construction, and finishing seams and hems in wool and linen so that your garments do not fray off your body.  Attendees will make a small drawstring bag suitable for carrying a small sewing kit as part of class.  Auditors welcome; if you want to sew along, bring your own fabric, thread, and needles.
1 hour.  Class limit 10.  Materials fee $8 (includes contents of sewing kit).

Cartridge Pleating – Aurelia Stellari
Cartridge pleating is a technique to attach a large amount of fabric to a small area without adding bulk to the seam.  Although usually used to attach full skirts, it can also be used elsewhere.
1 hour.  Class limit 10 for hands on.  Auditors ok.  Materials provided.

Cover Your Legs (Knit Stockings) – Angharad verch Rees
Learn the structure of period knit stockings.  See pictures of examples and learn how to design your own pattern for knitted hose.
1 hour.  No class limit.

Doing It Wrong On Purpose:  How I learned some things about structure in tablet weaving.  – Ælfgifa of the Hazel Thicket
Are you scared of tablet weaving because you are afraid you will make mistakes? Come dig through my pile of examples of deliberate mistakes, and let’s learn some things about the structure of tablet weaving.  I will bring a couple looms all warped up and ready to make some more mistakes together.  Screw up my projects so you don’t screw up yours.  No previous experience needed, just curiosity.
1 hour.  No class limit.

Drafting and Distaff – Morwenna O Hurlihie
Taking fiber and turning it into yarn is a wonderful skill.  There are always new tips and tricks to learn.  One of the bits that can be a trifle entertaining is managing your fiber supply, especially on a windy day.  How you treat your fiber can change what type of yarn you end up with.
Come experiment with a distaff and discover how silly modern spinners are for not using one.  Try the difference between carded wool and combed wool.  Try different drafting methods and see how yarns behave differently.
Spindle, fiber, and distaff will be provided, but feel free to bring any spinning implement or fiber you may already possess.
1 hour.  Class size 8 participants
Any number are welcome to observe.  Young ones welcome, but they must be actually interested spinning.  Prior spinning experience recommended.
No materials fee.  Introductory spindles, distaffs, and possibly some fiber will be available for purchase if you decide you want to keep practicing at home.

Elizabethan Gold Braid Stitches – Elaine Howys of Morningthorpe
Learn to work with Metal thread to create the beautiful gold braids seen on Elizabethan Coifs and Jackets.  Class will cover basics on Metal wrapped thread.  The different thicknesses and wrap width, and their uses.  How do to the Elizabethan plaited braid stitch (standard) and the Elizabethan Ladder braid Stitch.  And the all important trick to keeping you thread from unraveling.
1 hour, but may bleed into lunch.  Kits available for 10 people.  More people can watch.  No materials fee.  Bring your own hoop and linen fabric if possible. 

Felting – Cellach Dhonn
Want to learn how to felt? This is a beginner class.  I will show you the basics on wet felting.  We will do small projects.  Techniques that will be shown.  Flat felting, resist, and rope.  You can bring an apron or a change of garb in case you get wet.
2 hours.  Class limit 6.  Materials Fee $5

Finger Loop Braiding, Basic - Rosina von Schaffhausen
Fingerloop braids were used in period to lace up clothing and purses, edge hairnets and seams, and to attach seals to documents.  There are also a couple of period instruction manuals on how to make them.  Learn how to make a basic five loop braid, and if time permits, some variations of that braid.
1 hour.  Class size 10

Finger Loop Braiding, Intermediate/Advanced – Rosina von Schaffhausen
Choose a fingerloop braid to make from a selection of more advanced braid patterns from period fingerloop braid manuals.  I will have single person and multiperson patterns available.
1 hour.  Class size 10

Goldwork:  Couching – Anastasia da Monte
The shiniest of embroidery techniques!  We will be looking into the history of goldwork in embroidery and how styles have changed through the years.  We will also be learning how to work with metal and will embroider a small motif using a couching stitch.  Hoops are available to borrow, but participants are encouraged to bring their own.
1.5 hours.  Class limit 8.  Materials Fee $4 for a kit. 

Goldwork:  Cutwork and Chipwork – Anastasia da Monte
Expand your goldwork beyond couching!  Purl threads are made entirely out of metal, and worked very differently than other goldwork threads.  Come learn the details!  This class is intended to build on the Couching class, but participation in the Couching class is not required.  Hoops are available to borrow, but participants are encouraged to bring their own.
1.5 hours.  Class limit 8.  Materials Fee $5 for a kit. 

Hare Nets – Emengar la Fileresse
Yes, Hare nets!  Learn to make a net for catching hares.
2 hours.  Class limit 7.  Materials Fee $5.

Hidden Treasures:  Extant Embroideries Rarely Seen – Mariot Carllein
The Metropolitan Museum has interesting period embroideries not displayed to the public, but I was able to photograph some, including a few reverse sides.  These items and fragments often have interesting differences from those the public sees, and can be analyzed in detail.  Since the Met does not allow copies of the photos to be given out, the handout will include some reference to the Met URL's plus charts I've made of them.
1 hour.  No class limit.

Hide Shoe Pattern Making – Anarra Karlsdottir
A hide shoe is made from one piece of leather.  In this class we will make custom-to-your-foot pattern for an early period northern European hide shoe from felt.  You can then use this to make leather shoes.
1 hour.  Class limit 5 (more may audit).  Materials fee $1.  Bring needle, thread, sharpie marker, and scissors if you wish.  Some will be provided also.

How to Warp your Four-Harness Floor or Table Loom.  – Albreda Aylese
1 hour.  Class limit 24.
Followed by weaving time in the lobby after lunch.

Kick Up Your Heels - Ose Silverhair
Options for nalbinding socks.  In this class we will experiment with up to 3 different heel styles for finishing socks, depending on class interest.  You must be comfortable with at least one nalbinding stitch, but it doesn’t matter which one.  Yarn, and starting rings (in Oslo stitch) for your samples will be provided, but feel free to bring a sock in progress if you wish
2 hours.

Learn to Stencil and Help Create BBM Banners – Damiana Illaria d'Onde
We will be working on simple Baronial Banners for BBM Investiture in May.  These are intended to be used in future events, and we will make many of the same for that wonderful look of pageantry!  As a reference, for Oliver Cromwell’s funeral there were over 3000 banners made of silk, taffeta and buckram made by 6 painters in 10 days!  We will have stencils cut for the BBM banners - you will learn to “pounce”.  If you wish to trace and cut your own device stencil to add to the bottom of the banners, then you can take your stencil home to use on your own things!  Bring your device printed or drawn of about 4"x6” or 5x5” to use for this purpose.  As a sidebar discussion you can learn about the Sigginstown Castle Flag Project which is also a creative heraldry endeavor.
2 hours.  No fee.

Lucet Cords – Sybill Teller
Basic turning cord, non-turning cord, and flat braid (also known as 2 corded or 2 colored).
1 hour.  Class limit up to 10 people buying lucets, plus 5 bringing their own, no more than 15.  Materials fee $5 for lucet and string.

Make a Personal, Late Period, Measure Tape – Severin Festschdermacher
Attendees will make and take measuring tapes used by Juan de Alcega to create late period garments.  We will also look at a few patterns from his book, "The Tailor's Pattern Book, 1589" to see how a single pattern can be used for just about any person.
1 hour.  Materials fee $3.00 for tape and handout.

Make a Silver Thimble.  – Anton Leflamme d’ Saint Aubin
Learn to make a 12th – 14th century thimble.  Pounding with hammers involved.
2.5 hours.  Class limit 10.  Materials Fee $5

Oya Needlelace – Chelsey of Gloucester
While documentation is scarce on the exact time when this form of needlework began, nor are there any extant pieces known, it is the conclusion of most that this form was in existence since late 14th, early 15th Centuries.  This form derived from netting and is closely related to Lacis.  Where Lacis needs a net to work on, Oya makes the net and makes it beautiful.  In this hands-on class we will learn and practice the basic knot stitch, building up rows, and learn about starting and finishing a piece. 
2 hours.  Kits available for 10 people.  Handouts for 15.  No materials fee.  Please bring a tapestry or slightly blunt needle to work with and scissors.

Raised Plait Stitch from Sutton Hoo, from Cloth and Clothing in Anglo-Saxon England AD 450 – 700 – Ælfgifa of the Hazel Thicket. 
From Penelope Walton Rogers – This stitch was used to cover a seam on a find at Sutton Hoo, and along the cuff edge of a sleeve on a find from the 10th century at Ousegate, York.  It is both structural and decorative, capable of holding two edges together and at the same time creating a raised cord or braid on the surface of the fabric.  I have used it to decorate seams and also to hem garments.
1 hour.  Class size maximum – Supplies provided for 6 students.  Handouts with diagrams will be available.  Anyone who wishes to bring their own supplies is welcome to do so.  I recommend a yarn needle, some thick thread or thin to medium yarn, and a coarse fabric.  Any number of people can sit in on the class, as long as there is room.

Raising Angora Rabbits – Otter
This class will cover the basics of raising Angora Rabbits.  Starring Opal and Sunstone, two lovely Angora Rabbits.  Angoras have special grooming needs as their fur can get up to 8 inches long!  If they are not combed regularly, their fur will mat and then it must be cut off.  Grooming the rabbits regularly prevents that.  Grooming is a gentle and enjoyable process for both human and rabbit.
We will talk about FOOD for the rabbits, what is healthy and what is not.  For example, carrots are not on the menu!  Wild foraging for healthy snacks and especially young willow and other twigs that they need to keep their teeth worn down.  Basic cage, bedding, exercise.
Also covered and included in the hand-out is basic Bun First Aid and nail trimming, etc.  Part of the class will take place in the parking lot, the rest in a class room.
1 hour.  Class limit 12.

Sheep Shearing - Brid ni Shearlais
Mistress Brid ni Shearlais has agreed to bring her great ram, McBride to our Schola!  She will show us how her ancestors and those the Druids predict that will follow her for many generations shear their sheep!  Should you wish, she may allow you to help shear her lambs. 
1 hour.  No class limit.  Taught in persona.

Smocked Apron – Johanna de Glastingburi
Make a smocked apron.
1 hour - 6 kits available at $5.00 each.  Four extra handouts available.  Students may bring their own 30"x30" piece of fabric instead of purchasing kit (extra fabric needed for apron strings).

Sprang, Beginning – Sunnifa Heinriksdottor
Sprang has been in use as a textile art since the Bronze Age.  After briefly discussing its history and structure we will learn to create and warp a loom.  As this is an introductory class, we will spend most our time together hands-on learning the basic Common Sprang plait.  Prerequisites:  Patience and a good sense of humor
1 hour.  Class limit 5.  (Auditors welcome.)

Sprang, Intermediate – Emengar la Fileresse
I bring prewarped looms that people share.  There is no make-and-take with this scenario but it saves a lot of set up time and participants should already know the basics of sprang.
1 hour.  Class limit 10.

Stabbing Fabric:  An Introduction – Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva, called Tasha
We will go over helpful hints, tips, and tricks for hand sewing, whether you intend to make entire outfits by hand or just hand finish your machine-sewn garments.  Attendees may bring their own needles, thread, and scrap fabric (contrasting colors are never a bad idea).
1 hour.

Tablet Weaving—Pattern Help – Ciara McRobbie
Learn how to set up your tablet weaving loom from a pattern in a book or posted online.  If you have a pattern you want to try, bring it along and we will translate it.
1 hour.

Untangling Twist – Morwenna O Hurlihie
A generic troubleshooting, babbling about yarn session.
Are you getting started with spinning and there's just this thing you don't get? Have you been spinning for years and you would like a few more pointers? Do you have a tool (spindle, wheel) that's driving you bonkers? Are you trying out a different fiber and getting tangled up?
Come hang out with a spinster and work through your current spinning questions.  Work through an issue, or just hang out with people who like to talk fiber.
I've been spinning for over 30 years.  I can't promise to solve all your problems, but we should be able to work through a couple.
1 hour.  No class limit.

Site Opens: 10:00 am
Site Closes: 6:00 pm

Event Location

Middlefield Federated Church
402 Main Street
Middlefield, CT  06455
Google Map


Take your best Rout to I-91.  Take exit 20.  Turn left onto Middle St (0.1 mile, turn left onto Country Club Rd (1.1 mile), turn right onto Higby Rd (1.2 mile), continue onto Jackson Hill Rd (2.1 mile), turn left onto CT-157 N, church will be on the right.

Registration Fees

Registration:  Adults:  $20
With SCA Member Discount:  $15
Youth (17 and under):  $1
Family cap:  $31

Feast:  No feast this time!  We are planning on having a pretty good running dayboard, though, so bring your feast gear!

Make Checks Payable to: Barony of Dragonship Haven, SCA Inc.

Contact Information

Event Steward:

David Helmers

Class Coordinator:
Mästarinna Ana Ilevna, OL
Janet D'Agostino-Neill
860-223-6843 (No calls after 9:00 pm, please)

Send Reservations to:

David Helmers
45 S 1st St
Meriden, CT 06451

Other Contact Information:

No animals are allowed on site except Service Animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (guide dogs, signal dogs, or other animals individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability).

No Alcohol.