Brennan and Caoilfhionn's Ducal Challenge

Hosted by Barony of Settmour Swamp - Pittstown, NJ

Event date: August 27th, 2016

Event Last Modified: August 24th, 2016

Event details

The tournament season begins in Settmour Swamp!
Duke Brennan and Duchess Caoilfhionn present their Ducal Challenge.  This will feature prize tournaments for both armored and rapier combatants.

MoL Check-In for both armored and rapier lists closes at noon, with tournaments to begin shortly after.

Each combatant will furnish, as entry price, a prize that showcases their art or that they have commissioned for the purpose of entering the tournament.

The tournaments will be fought in 4 round robin pools, with each pool advancing 4 combatants.  The top 16 combatants will then fight a double elimination tournament down to the semifinals.  The finals will be fought with rotating weapons forms.

The winner of the tournament will have first pick of the prizes for that tournament.  The second prize pick will go to the artist who created the first prize picked, and so on until all prizes are disseminated.

We encourage you to make something that shows off your skills or partner with another artist to showcase theirs.  This is an excellent opportunity to learn a new skill or get to know an artist!

Prize suggestions include (but are certainly not limited to):
·Award medallions
·Inkle/card-woven trim/winningas
·Armor pieces
·Glass beads
oArm rings
·Appropriate, frame-able artwork
·Feast gear/pottery
·Homebrewed libation

NO I.O.U or Promissory for custom work.  A physical piece of largess must be presented upon sign-in.

The event is entirely outdoors.  A hearty dayboard will be served featuring:
Chicken legs and thighs
Bread and butter
Sausage and peppers (for sandwiches)
Apple hand pies
Several kinds of drinks

MoL Check-In for both armored and rapier lists closes at noon, with tournaments to begin shortly after.

Additionally, the Elks lodge has a cash bar on site for those so inclined.

Site Opens: 10AM
Site Closes: 6PM

Event Location

Clinton Elks Lodge
211 Sidney Rd
Pittstown, NJ  08867
Google Map

Registration Fees

Adults $20.00, discounted to $15.00 for members.
Children 12-17 $15
Children under 12 years of age free
Family Cap:  $55

No Feast.
There is a dayboard.

Make Checks Payable to: SCA of NJ Inc., Barony of Settmour Swamp

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Stacey Rothrock Steinfeld
Mistress Elizabeth Eleanor Lovell
1812 Bellew Pl
S.  Plainfield, NJ 07080
732-207-9658 (no calls after 9PM, please)

Send Reservations to:

no reservations