Carolingian Baronial Investiture

Hosted by Barony of Carolingia - Walpole, MA
Event date: April 4th, 2015
Event Last Modified: March 22nd, 2015
Event details
Our preliminary event schedule is as follows. More detail will be provided as the event date draws nearer.
10:00am: Site Opens
11:00am: Last Court of Baron Fergus and Baroness Imigla, followed by the Investiture of Colin and Nicolette
Following court, a number of concurrent activities are planned:
- A dayboard prepared by Lady Sepherah and Lord Orlando will be available for all attendees.
- Heavy list fighting will take place outdoors and will include:
A round robin tournament to select the next Baronial heavy list champion
A warlord tournament at the request of our incoming Baroness
And given the high likelihood that we will still be buried under snow, we are planning a snow fort battle... we will split into teams, and each team will get the same amount of time to build a snow fort. We will then run it like the Pennsic castle battle, where the attackers get unlimited resurrections, and the time it takes them to take the castle is recorded. We'll then switch and assault the other snow fort.
-Fencing will take place under the pavilion outdoors.
- An A&S display will take place in the main hall. Note that this is a display, not a competition. All entries are welcomed and encouraged.
- Dancing will take place in the main hall, run by Countess Mara
4:00 pm: Court reopens, including the first court of Colin and Nicolette and Royal Court
Following Court, Lady Safiya Shirazi will be serving a fabulous middle eastern feast. Feast seating will be limited to 100, so register early as these are likely to sell out quickly. We will have tables set up for off-board space if people want to bring their own food and stay through the feast.
8pm: Site closes.
And of course, being at the German Club, the bar will be open all day with a number of tasty German beers available.
Mostly Final Feast Menu is now available!
1st Remove
Chicken Kisrawiyya
Chicken, verjus, cucumber, thyme, cilantro, basil, olive oil. Served cold.
Barida al-lubya
Beans, verjus, sumac, olive oil. Served cold.
Jazar Mahshi
Carrots, onions, parsley, rosemary, oilive oil, tamari, vinegar, cassia, pepper, galangal, coriander, caraway, ginger, cloves. Served cold.
Ka’k (medieval arabic bread)
2nd Remove
Sharayih (roasted sliced meat) with Pomegranate
Meat, raisins, vinegar, pomegranate, garlic, coriander, cumin
Aruzziya with Milk by al-Mutawakkil**
Rice, cinnamon, galangal, milk, salt
Barida of Chard with Yogurt
Chard, strained yogurt, mustard seeds, olive oil
3d Remove
Aruzziyya tannuriyya (three grain dish traditionally cooked in the tannur)
Rice, beans, lentils, onions, cassia, galangal, sesame oil
Vegetables Salayiq
Seasonal vegetable, olive oil, tamari
Mulahwaja for al-Rashid***
Meat, oil, onion, cilantro, leeks, coriander, caraway, pepper, tamari, vinegar, cassia, galangal, honey, cilantro
Dried Dates with Ice
Honey Comb with Ice (if available)
Lawzinaj from the copy of al-Mu’tasim*
Dough, pistachios, almonds, white cane sugar, rose water, cloves, mastic, almond oil
*Abassid caliph, son of Harun al-Rashid
**Abassid caliph, d. 847
***Harun al-Rashid, d.809
Site Opens: 10am
Site Closes: 8pm
Event Location
Boylston Schul-Verein (The German Club)
8 County Street (Rt. 109)
Walpole, MA 02081
Google Map
From the north or south: Take your best route to I-95 in Massachusetts. Take exit 16B to Route 109. Continue west on Route 109 for approximately 4 miles. The German Club is on the left, immediately after the 'Welcome to Walpole' sign.
From the east and west: Take the MassPike (I-90) to I-95 South. Take exit 16B to Route 109. Continue west on Route 109 for approximately 4 miles. The German Club is on the left, immediately after the 'Welcome to Walpole' sign.
There is plenty of parking available on paved and/or well-kept gravel lots. Fighters and fencers will be able to park next to the fighting field to conveniently unload. Please park courteously so we can all fit in the lots, and follow the directions of our parking staff.
Registration Fees
Site Fee (Adult Non-member) - $15
Site Fee (Adult member) - $10
Site Fee (13-17) - $5
Site Fee (0-12) - $0
There will be a family cap of $30.
The dayboard (lunch) will be available at no charge to all attendees.
Pre-registrations must be received no later than 3/25/2015
100 seats will be available for the feast. Cost is $10 per person, regardless of age. These will sell out quickly, so please get your pre-registration in ASAP.
Make Checks Payable to: SCA-MA Inc. - Barony of Carolingia
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Baron Valerian of Somerset
Send Reservations to:
Lady Eadgyth aet Staeningum
2 Newcastle Rd.
Brighton MA 02135