Black Gryphon Inn
Hosted by Canton of Gryphonwald - Edison, NJ
Event date: February 7th, 2015
Event Last Modified: January 15th, 2015
Event details
Your Black Gryphon Inn this year will host many festivities!
There shall be an Arts & Sciences competition which we encourage people of all interests and crafts to participate in and appreciate.
We shall also hold a Brewer's competition hosted by our very own Lord Pippin ah Beithir. This competition shall be split into two categories, consisting of brewed libations in one arena and infused cordials in the other.
Once again the Black Gryphon Inn will be hosting the Settmour Swamp Bardic Championship. All who wish to participate, please come with a small index card with brief documentation to be presented before the competition begins.
The site is wet so you are welcome to bring the libation of your choice. However the site has a strict policy that all alcoholic beverages be kept indoors.
Barley and oat cake
First Course
Vegetable soup
Bara Lawr (laverbread)
Spelt bread
Main Course
Frankish roast
Roast Vegetables
Spelt bread
Blackberry pudding
Site Opens: 12 Noon
Site Closes: 8 PM
Event Location
Kiddie Keep Well Camp
35 Roosevelt Dr
Edison, NJ 08837
Google Map
Black Gryphon Inn will be held at the Dining Hall at Kiddie Keep Well Camp. Please follow the appropriate directions below to arrive at the Dining Hall.
1. From Rt. 1 South: Follow Route 1 South to the blue and white Menlo Park Mall sign. Turn Right, following that sign. Go past the 7-11 to the traffic light. Turn right at light onto Parsonage Rd. Follow Parsonage Rd to the second traffic light labeled Oakwood Drive. Turn left on to Oakwood Drive (becomes Roosevelt Dr. at this point). The camp is up the road on the left side. Take the SECOND driveway to get to the Dining Hall. Limited parking is available behind the dining hall as well as overflow parking available directly across the street.
2. From Rt.1 North: Follow Route 1 North to the Parsonage Rd exit. Follow the jug handle across Route 1 and through traffic light. Stay on Parsonage Rd to the third traffic light labeled Oakwood Drive. Turn left onto Oakwood Drive (becomes Roosevelt Drive at this point). The Camp is up the road on left side. Follow directions above to Dining Hall.
3. From 287: Take 287 to Exit 1 and 1A. Take Route 1 North and follow directions from #2 (above).
4. From the Garden State Parkway: Take the GSP to Exit 131 and bear Right onto Route 27. At the first light Turn left onto Wood Ave. Turn Right at the next light onto Thornall Drive/Middlesex Turnpike. Turn left at the next light onto Evergreen. This becomes Oakwood Drive. Follow Oakwood Drive under bridges, through the next light, and across Parsonage Road. At this point, Oakwood Drive becomes Roosevelt Dr. Kiddie Keep Well Camp will be on the left. Follow directions above to Dining Hall.
5. From the New Jersey Turnpike: Follow NJ Turnpike to Exit 10 and take 287 North, staying in the right lane to Route 1 North. Follow directions from #2 (above).
Registration Fees
Event Fees
Site : Adults: $10
Youth (age 3-17): $5
Children (under age 3): Free
**Note that there is a $5 surcharge for those attending who are not SCA members and/or can not provide proof of membership when checking in at the event.
All mailed reservations should be postmarked no later than January 15, 2015
Feast: Feast is $8.
The menu for the feast will be posted prior to the event.
There will be no dayboard at this event. However the autocrat is hosting a bake sale to benefit Sir Diablu's recovery.
All mailed reservations should be postmarked no later than January 15, 2015
Make Checks Payable to: SCA NJ Inc., Barony of Settmour Swamp
ACCEPS will be available shortly
Make Checks Payable to: SCA NJ Inc., Barony of Settmour Swamp
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Event Steward:
Rae Feigin
aka Lady Maerhild
Head Cooks:
Aife Bean Mic Iomhair
mka Laura Nardomarino
Lady Failenn Finn
mka Megan Geyer
Send Reservations to:
Rae Feigin
140 Coburn Lane
Somerset, NJ 08873
Please include your full mundane name and SCA name with your reservation fees.