Artisans' Village

Hosted by Shire of Hartshorn-dale - Willow Grove, PA

Event date: June 5th, 2015 - June 7th, 2015

Event Last Modified: June 3rd, 2015

Event details

The Shire of Hartshorn-dale would like to extend an invitation to you to our Artisans' Village.  This is a place for all to gather and enjoy the arts and sciences practiced throughout the land. 

The Village
Each area of the village will house one category of artisan, such as glass workers, cooks and brewers, fiber artists, metal workers, and many more.  Within each area, all are welcome to come and join their fellow artisans and work on projects in the company of friends.  Each area will have a time slot during which the artists get the opportunity to discuss, teach, and demo their crafts to the rest of the attendees.  These times will not overlap, but will happen on both Saturday and Sunday.  This is not to say that this cannot continue throughout the day, but no artist should feel stuck in a single area, unable to leave and learn something new. 

This event is being presented with the support of the East Kingdom University, which will help offset the costs of demonstrating the different arts.  Each area will have a coordinator to help make sure each area has whatever tables and spaces the artisans need.  The coordinator will also help find artisans to participate in the region.  Please feel free to contact the autocrat if you would like to participate in or coordinate an area.  The schedule will be posted on the website, before the event.

The Saturday and Sunday schedules are below.  Each area will have an hour official timeslot, but artisans in most areas will be working, demonstrating, and teaching throughout the day.  Some of the Village areas will also be open on Sunday, including the glass and metal areas.  There will also be a few formal classes on Sunday.

Saturday Schedule:
8 am Gate Opens
8 am Light Breakfast Served
10 am - 11 am Glass Area
11 am - 12 pm Metal Area
12 am Dayboard Opens
12 pm - 1 pm Science Area
1 pm - 2 pm Lunch
2 pm - 3 pm Challenges
3 pm Dayboad Closes
3 pm - 4 pm Paper Area
4 pm - 5 pm Plaster Area
5 pm - 6 pm Historic Combat
6:30 pm Feast Begins
8 pm Dancing Begins

Sunday Schedule:
Sunday Schedule
10am Artists Area Open
11am - 12pm Viking Wire Weaving Class
1pm - 2pm Spining Class
2pm - 3pm Lawn Billiards Class
3pm - 4pm Medieval Gaming Class
6pm Site Closes

The Challenge and Display
In addition to the day of demonstrations and hands-on workshops, there are challenges to be given and challenges to be met.  Anyone is welcome to submit a challenge, and all are encouraged to take up the challenges.  In the past we have had a wide array of challenges, with examples such as create a period bow string and create a scroll blank and donate it to the kingdom.  For a complete list of previous years challenges, visit

The challenges will be posted on the website, as they are submitted, so please check back frequently.  Please submit your challenge to the challenge coordinator, Lady Elysabeth Underhill, at by March 31, 2015.  There will be a time allotted in the schedule for those who have issues challenges to get feedback and show off their work, so they will not miss any other parts of the event.

For those interested in camping, there is ample space for tents and light meals on Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday mornings are included in the camping fee.  Please pre-register if you are planning on camping, so the best allotment of space can be determined.
A hearty dayboard will be provided on Saturday and Sunday afternoon for all who attend. 

There will be a feast served inside on Saturday evening, which is limited to 80 people so pre-registration is recommended.  There is additional seating available for off-board eating.  Anyone with food allergies or concerns is asked to contact the cook, Lady Caitrina "Katya" Gordon at, before the event.

Merchants are encouraged to attend, and there is no additional cost.  Please contact the merchant coordinator, Andrew Schickard at

For pre-registration, send checks payable to SCA-PA Inc.  Shire of Hartshorn-dale to Michel Wolffauer (address below).  Registrations should be post marked by June 1st, or expedited to arrive no later than June 4th.

Site Opens: 5 pm
Site Closes: 6 pm

Event Location

Willow Grove Day Camp
3400 Davisville Rd.
Willow Grove, PA  19090
Google Map


Take the PA Turnpike to exit 343 (PA - 611) towards Doylestown
Merge onto PA - 611 North go 0.1 miles
Sharp right onto Mill Rd.  go 0.9 miles
Turn right onto PA-263 South / South York Rd go 0.2 miles
Turn left onto Terwood Rd.  go 0.6 miles
Turn left onto Davisville Rd go 0.4 miles
The Willow Grove Day Camp is on the left

When using GPS, enter the following address:
3400 Davisville Road
Hatboro, PA 19090

Registration Fees

Site Fees
No Camping 18+ $15
No Camping 6-17 $10
5 and Under free
Camping/person $5
Family Max no camping $50
Family max camping $60
Non Member Surcharge $5

Feast $10
Feast Cap:  80 people

Make Checks Payable to: SCA-PA Inc.  Shire of Hartshorn-dale

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Naomi bat Avraham
(Naomi Hampson)

Send Reservations to:

Michel Wolffauer
(Mike Knauer)
2336 Hillside Drive
Norristown, PA 19403