Black Gryphon Inn

Hosted by Canton of Gryphonwald - Milltown, NJ

Event date: February 12th, 2011

Event Last Modified: November 27th, 2010

Event details

You will dine well, dear SCAdian, at our Black Gryphon Inn.  If you have no better invitation, come on over.  Indeed we may fight together; as you may know, there is a field across from our inn.  For dining, the first course will be carrots (a useful digestive aid) and parsnips, and two kinds of mushrooms, and then dumplings of chicken, forcemeat of pork, and eggs with a savory broth.  And there will be more eggs, these cooked over a low flame with stewed mushrooms.  That’s enough for the appetizers.  You want to know what else we’re having? I’ll tell you, so that you will be sure to come.  Spiced chicken in broth and wine and vinaigrette, custard of elderberries and wine, and pudding of almonds and raisins which even Caesar does not usually serve except at rare and special dinners.  And I promise you more:  I will recite to you a tale of great renown and pleasure which you will surely adore.  So come to our Black Gryphon Inn!  A letter of intention to attend is appreciated to properly prepare your dinner.  We await your kind presence.

~Martial’s Epigram 11.52 (edited for Black Gryphon Inn, of course)

Event Activities:
A&S Contest
Heavy Weapons
Thrown Weapons

Site Opens: 12 noon
Site Closes: 7 pm

Event Location

Milltown American Legion
4 J. F. Kennedy Drive
Milltown, NJ  08850
Google Map


For full event information, schedule, and directions, go to

Registration Fees

Site Fee: 
Adults:  $9.00
Children Under 10 years old:  $5.00
Children Under 5 years old:  Free
As per usual, the $5.00 non-member surcharge applies

Feast Fee:  $6.00

Make Checks Payable to: SCA, inc.  - Canton of Gryphonwald

Contact Information

Event Steward:

mka Mike Piscatelli

Failenn Finn
mka Megan Geyer

Send Reservations to:

Mike Piscatelli
P.O.  Box 5402
Somerset, NJ 08875

Other Contact Information:

Yagyu no Kagetoki
mka Chris Stanley