East Kingdom Officer Term Limits

East Kingdom Greater Officer Term Limits

RoleWarrant StartWarrant EndTerm Count
East Kingdom SeneschalApr-24Apr-26First
Brigantia Principal HeraldJan-23Jan-25First
Kingdom Earl MarshalOct-24Oct-26First
East Kingdom Chancellor of the ExchequerNov-23Nov-25First
Kingdom ChroniclerApr-24Apr-25Second
Kingdom A&S MinisterMar-23Mar-25First
East Kingdom Minister of the ListsJun-23Jun-25First
Tyger Clerk of the SignetJul-23Jul-25First
Kingdom ChatelaineApr-24Apr-25Second
Kingdom Chancellor of MinorsApr-24Apr-25Second
Webminister of the East KingdomNov-23Nov-25First
Kingdom Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & BelongingFeb-24Feb-26First

East Kingdom Lesser Officer Term Limits

RoleWarrant StartWarrant EndTerm Count
Kingdom Captain General of ArchersApr-24Apr-25Second
Kingdom Marshal of FenceMar-24Mar-25Second
Kingdom Equestrian OfficerJan-24Jan-25Second
Kingdom Accessibility PorterJul-24Jul-25
Deputy Earl Marshal for Youth CombatAug-23Aug-24Third
Deputy Earl Marshal Thrown WeaponsApr-23Apr-25First
Kingdom Social Media OfficerNov-24Nov-25Third
Marshal Of Armored CombatOct-24Oct-26First
East Kingdom Pennsic StewardAug-24Aug-25Third
Kingdom Archivist
Kingdom ChamberlainOct-23Oct-24Third
Kingdom Waiver Secretary
Kingdom HistorianJul-23Jul-25

Per East Kingdom Law section IV.D. Terms of Office and Review of Kingdom Officers:

  1. No Kingdom Officer may remain in the same Office for more than four consecutive years, except for the following dispositions.
    1. A first term of Office is defined as two years. Subsequent terms are for one year.
    2. The term of Office for the Earl Marshal will be one two-year term, followed by another possible two-year term.
    3. The Lesser Kingdom Offices of Historian, Archivist, Waiver Secretary and the Administrators of the Polling Order E-Mail Lists have a term of two (2) years with unlimited re-appointments