COVIDSafe and Masking Policy Updates — September 2022

Greetings to the Tyger Populace,

Their Majesties, Their Highnesses and I have discussed the latest announcement from the Board of Directors at length. ( In addition, we have heard counsel from a significant portion of the populace of the East prior to this announcement.

In light of the announcement, the Office of the Kingdom Seneschal, in consultation with Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, hereby removes the COVIDSafe requirements and masking policy effective immediately.

The only requirement going forward is the SCA Health Acknowledgement ( must continue to be posted on all event/gathering pages/websites and visible onsite as well.

It is important to note that we will continue to support those who wish to continue masking. Similarly, we support those who wish to no longer mask. These are personal decisions and will be treated as such. We expect the entire populace to be respectful of the choices of others.

We encourage the populace to vaccinate and get boosted as you are able, and remember the social responsibility of not attending an event should you have any symptoms of illness regardless of whether they are COVID-related or not.

Should you have comments regarding the Board Resolution, please direct those comments to

As always, be courteous and respectful to each other, tygers.

In Service,

Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

Ryouko-jin & Indrakshi
King and Queen of the East Kingdom

Mohammad & Corotica
Prince and Princess of the East Kingdom

French Translation Forthcoming