August 27, 2024 – Sommer Draw Court Summons
To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom,
- Petronilla de la Fenne
- Isabella d’Allaines le Comte
- Johannes filius Nicholai
- Nuno Cabral do Mar
- Amanda of BBM
- Naratuyaa
- Gonzalo Cornielle
- Mikulaj von Meissen
- Thorbjorn Thorfinsson
- Evelyn Peyton of Ashdwone
- Aelfwine Aekworthe
have been compeared, commanded and summoned by precepts of Clare Constat, in liege postie, to the Royal Eastern court of
Tindal II and Emerson
At Sommer Draw & Bergental Investiture on August 31st, held in the Barony of Bergental.
Event Link: